I had the most incredibly awesome thing happen to me recently. I went to a Saturday CrossFit class last week...I normally go to the 6am class during the week, so I don't see a lot of the other members of the box on a regular basis...or ever for that matter. So, there we were, … [Read more...]
Paleo Style: Shrimp with Zucchini and Cabbage Noodles
I love shrimp. Actually, I love almost anything that comes out of the sea! I try to work seafood in to our diets at least once a week, but it doesn't always work out. Anyhooo, this quick li'l gem of a Paleo dish turned out to be really tasty, and like I said, quick! … [Read more...]
The Pain Threshold: Brain vs. Body
I don't know about you, but there is a continual struggle going on between my brain and my body. Some days it goes better than others, but I've found that the mind is the manipulative one and the body is the enforcer. This struggle can go on whether I'm walking by the plate of … [Read more...]
Crossfit Workouts – Is Cheating Cool???
We all remember growing up around that one kid, you know the one, the one who would cheat when playing Monopoly, or peek while counting during hide and seek. Remember that guy? Remember how it made you feel to play with that guy? I do! It pissed me off! Why would you ruin the … [Read more...]
CrossFit Workouts: How to Get Your Goat for Good!
Whether you like it or not, we all have at least one "goat"! No matter if you do CrossFit Workouts like me (with a psychotic addiction), or you're into some other form of physical exercise, there's that one thing that you just can't quite "get". When I say that you can't quite … [Read more...]
Paleo Style: Almond Chicken with Cabbage “Noodles”
We're eating what I call "Paleo Style" these days. It's entirely based on the Paleo diet, but with a few small modifications here and there. I completely agree with getting rid of refined sugars, processed foods, and simple carbs, I still need my wine!!! Yeah, less wine, but Mama … [Read more...]
The REAL Food Revolution
I've considered myself a "healthy eater" for many years now, possibly even my whole life. I was raised in a family where we had home cooked meals every evening, and a brown bag lunch with an apple every day. We didn't get much soda or sweets, and we ate what was on our plates. I … [Read more...]
What Is Beauty???
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" Who said that? Maybe the better question would be, why do we say that? Well, I suppose because it sort of explains the phenomena that what I perceive as beauty will likely differ from what you perceive as beauty, and our differences of … [Read more...]
Quick and Easy Steamed Salmon
It's been a while since I've cooked salmon...and it just sounded so good to me yesterday! Plus, with our commitment to eat healthier and support local producers, I thought I'd swing by our local seafood shop and grab something fresh. Pier 46 Seafood in Templeton, CA had some … [Read more...]
Getting Stronger….Slowly But Surely
Yeah, I am. I'm getting stronger. Little by little, workout by workout. I can feel it when I brush my thigh or catch a glimpse of my shoulder in the mirror. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm no Annie Thorisdotter (CrossFit Games Women's 2011 and 2012 Champion), but I'm working on … [Read more...]