There's an interesting story of how this dish came to be! I came home from work (it happened to be Cinco de Mayo) and my husband asked what I was planning on for dinner. He doesn't usually ask that kind of thing, he's really not picky and trusts my judgement in the kitchen for … [Read more...]
Plan Ahead – Meals and Workouts!
I'm always looking for ways to make my life easier, my day-to-day more efficient, and my general well being strong and healthy. But, I'm also one of those kinds of people that will easily talk myself in or out of things, depending on what my current instant gratification desires … [Read more...]
How Are Those New Year’s Resolutions Coming Along???
Just thought I'd throw out a reminder for those of us that feel the urge to get motivated each new year. Now that it's the end of February, are you still motivated??? … [Read more...]
Busy? Let’s Make Life Easier
I'm busy. I'm married, have a 15-month old son, a full-time job, I workout, I cook for my family every day, and my husband and I try to keep our social life alive. You're probably thinking to yourself "That's nothing, guess how busy I am!?!?". Good point...we're ALL busy (well, … [Read more...]
Cauliflower: Do it in the Oven!
Confession: cauliflower is my new favorite vegetable! Why? Well, beside the fact that it's tasty, cheap, and easy to find any time of the year, it's SUPER versatile! You can do a ton of different things with it and I happen to dig that. One of my favorite ways to prepare it is to … [Read more...]
On Cardio vs. Lifting, Diet, and Supplements
I think we all have a relatively good idea of what the basics are when it comes to getting into and staying in shape, but there are also a lot of details that I just don't understand. Obviously, each one of us is different; we have different goals, strengths, weaknesses, etc. so … [Read more...]
Paleo Style: Shrimp with Zucchini and Cabbage Noodles
I love shrimp. Actually, I love almost anything that comes out of the sea! I try to work seafood in to our diets at least once a week, but it doesn't always work out. Anyhooo, this quick li'l gem of a Paleo dish turned out to be really tasty, and like I said, quick! … [Read more...]
Paleo Style: Almond Chicken with Cabbage “Noodles”
We're eating what I call "Paleo Style" these days. It's entirely based on the Paleo diet, but with a few small modifications here and there. I completely agree with getting rid of refined sugars, processed foods, and simple carbs, I still need my wine!!! Yeah, less wine, but Mama … [Read more...]
The REAL Food Revolution
I've considered myself a "healthy eater" for many years now, possibly even my whole life. I was raised in a family where we had home cooked meals every evening, and a brown bag lunch with an apple every day. We didn't get much soda or sweets, and we ate what was on our plates. I … [Read more...]
5 Kitchen Tricks to Make Your Life Easier
I love to cook! I love all of it; from planning an extravagant dinner party to coming up with new recipes for my family. But, life is busy...I know it is for us! With a new baby, full-time work, maintaining a social life, exercising, and general day-to-day stuff, staying caught … [Read more...]