We’ll just start this one off with “Wow!!!” http://www.earthdayfoodandwine.com/ What a super cool event! They had it all goin on…beautiful site (Historic Santa Margarita Ranch), lots of wine & food, live music and a great crowd! The perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon. This is the 4th year that the event has been put on by the Central Coast Vineyard Team http://www.vineyardteam.org/ which is a local group that is focused on protecting the resources that are valuable to their farms and their communities. The Team also created the SIP Certification which wineries can pursue to demonstrate that the value and promote Sustainability in Practice at their vineyards. On to the tasting, shall we?
Video 1 of 4 –
Loads of wineries, mixed in with food from local restaurants and caterers, spices, cheeses, sauces, you name it, they had it!!!
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We even had a surprise special guest star show up…..
Video 3 of 4 –
What a wonderful event – all focused on generating products in our community in a sustainable way, that doesn’t harm or waste our valuable natural resources! Thank you to all those that support and volunteer at this event, it was a huge success!!!
Video 4 of 4 –
Hi Guys, Thanks again for sharing a wonderful event. I love’d how you put the video in 4 parts that was great.
Plus, it was nice of you to add your mom in the video and for us to meet, what a sweet lady just like you. I hope my husband and I can make it next years event. Cheers!
Awww…Bev! Thanks, it was an awesome event and it was great to have Mom there to share it with! Cheers to you!!!
What a great event – made even better by getting to hang out with you two splendid beings! Are we on for next year? I’m planning on it for sure!
We had a great time, too Mom! Thanks for hangin out with us and guest starring in the blog!!!
Yeah for Mom! That was really cool ;-)))) So glad to finally meet up with you – you are superstars! And so glad you had a great time at our little party 😉
And, yes, less than 2 bags of trash (and my guy said it could have been less but there was broken glass in one of the recycle bags & he couldn’t sort it).
OMG!!! We DID have a great time…and we’ve already been gathering our crew for next year’s event. It was great meeting you, too and we can’t wait to hang out with you again! Awesome on the trash thing…well, not on the broken glass part, but that’s incredible!!! Way to go!!! {{hugs}}