Some interesting information about wine…all the more reason to lift another glass to medical research!
– Moderate drinkers are, on the average, of higher intelligence than either non-drinkers or heavy drinkers. Moderate drinkers routinely have higher education status than non-drinkers.
– Red wine contains anti-cancer compounds. The components thought to be responsible for this are antioxidants. At least 25 antioxidant compounds have been discovered in wine, especially red wine. The most famous of these is resveratrol, a stronger antioxidant than Vitamin E (and Vitamin E is one of the strongest antioxidants you can take). But two other compounds in wine, epicatechin and quercetin, are twice as strong as resveratrol!
– Bones are more dense in both men and women with moderate wine consumption. Dense bones are resistant to fractures.
– Frequency of the common cold is reduced (or at least the symptoms are reduced) by moderate wine consumption. It is an exciting possibility that certain elements in wine bolster immunity. Nobody will be surprised if it turns out to be those antioxidant compounds again.
Adapted from a presentation by David Bruce, M.D.
What can you tell me about the effects of the alcohol in wine (1 and one half glasses or red)
a day?
Agustiin – there has been a lot of research done on wine and its effects on the body. There are many factors involved, such as age, weight, other health issues, etc. that can determine specifically how wine affects you. Generally, 1-2 glasses a day is considered moderate consumption and there have been many benefits found in moderate wine drinking. The best thing would be for you to consult your physician, meanwhile, google “benefits of wine” or “effects of wine” and see what you find. There’s a ton of information out there! Cheers!