This country, and the whole world have been going through some very trying times lately. Every single one of us has been financially impacted by it or knows someone that has been. I would agree more with the first part, that EACH of us has been hurt to some degree.
Here’s where the soapbox comes in: WE need to stand together and help each other. WE need to talk to one another and listen. WE need to stay positive in the worst of times. WE need to voice our frustrations to the people in power.
Get a group of your friends together and start a weekly (or however often you can do it) wine club where you do a blind tasting, or simply sit around chatting over a glass of wine (even cheap wine will do). Wine always has and always will bring people together. Form a group, see where it goes. Maybe it will lead to a money making idea and meaningful friendships. Be a group of thinkers, listeners, and problem solvers…be a community.
Amazingly wonderful things have come from horrific times; choose your side of the fence…positive or negative. Wine and collaborating can, and probably will, solve some of the problems in our lives. When a group of likeminded people get together with a common problem, often wonderful solutions come about.
I do think wine is enough to keep US together, because wine IS friendship, laughter, tears, hugs, support, helpful, reminiscing, encouraging, holidays, family, love…wine IS life. Now go start your Hoot N Annie Wine Support Group!!! And let us know how it goes, seriously…you are part of our community! Let us know how we can help!!
This post was inspired by Beverly.

Oh I’m all about starting a Hoot N Annie Wine Support Group here in Fort Worth – I think Hoot N Annie should make an appearance!
I love it Heather, we could totally make appearances!! lol. Love ya sis!!
Last year, for my husband’s birthday, I was able to book the wine writer for Mpls/St. Paul magazine to come in and do an Italian themed “tour”/wine tasting for a group of our friends. It was hands down one of the coolest parties we’ve had, and I still get compliments on it. I think a regular support meeting with wine is a great idea- it is something that so many people enjoy, and seems to embody a relaxed and warm atmosphere. Great post!
Thanks Christy, that wine tasting you did sounds fun!! Our thoughts were that times are bad, but we have friends and family (our community) as a support group, why not use that as a resource…and doing it over wine is, as you put it, relaxing and warm. Thanks again, have a great weekend.
Great post! With every great milestone I’ve experienced, wine was involved somehow, it’s what brought me to the Paso Robles Wine Country.
You two should seriously rewrite the Captain and Tennille classic “Wine will keep us together”, it would make a great youtube post…
Thanks, Mitch! Yes, wine is definitely a binding factor in our lives, tons of our memories are centered around wine and the friends we’ve made from being involved with wine. We’ll consider the song idea…although not sure you’d want to hear us sing! 🙂
Through networking I have been lucky enough to make some very good new friends. Hoot N Annie included. There is also a group of hard working, positive thinking women whom I’ve become very close with. We do get together for a Whine and Dine, when we share some wine, good food and the issues in our lives. It’s not so much whining really as sharing, supporting and helping. We have come to treasure these evenings and our relationships. Cheers to them and to you guys!
What a great idea, Xochitl! Whining and dining…we all do it from time to time, and it’s a great excuse to get together and share! Keep it up and let us know how it develops!
RIght ON! I’m in complete agreement. Wine and Friends. Imagine a world without…..
Samadhy – starting to think that wine is the answer to all the world’s problems! What do you think? Hehehe, just think what a better place it would be if everybody enjoyed a glass or two before making any major decisions!