Last night we got a text from a good friend, we’ll call him Jeff (cuz that’s his name), to go over to his place and look at the results of some conversations he and Hoot had about floor moldings and paint. Jeff put down new wood floors in the common areas and chatted with Hoot about matching up existing paint and some other things and wanted to have a glass of wine (or three bottles) with us to see the progress.
There’s nothing quite like spontaneous wine moments with great people…enjoying life is truly about enjoying each moment (and learning how to make the best out of even the not so good times) because it is ALL the individual moments that make up your life; don’t let it escape you!
These are the labels Jeff shared with us, and for Hoot they were all quite nice but the 2005 Standish Pinot Noir was the home run…a beautiful wine! For Annie (or Mrs. Hoot) it was the McKeon Philips 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon…for sentimental reasons (another story for another day). And that Adelaida Nebbiolo was pretty great, too.

The moral of the story here (if you didn’t already pick that up) is that no matter what’s happening in the day to day of your life, it’s so important to take the time to enjoy friends and family. Chat about life, politics, floor moldings, or whatever! And don’t forget to open that “good” bottle that you’ve been saving, because there’s always a reason to celebrate!!!
That is so cool Matt sharing your evening with a friend talking business and wine…ing down with some good guys are so lucky..and to have some aged wine at that. Kudos and Cheers!
Hey Bev, great wine, great friends! That’s what it’s all about, right? Cheers to you, too and have a great weekend!
Thanks, busy week-end for me, you guys have a Super week-end. Cheers!
Well, it should be beautiful out there this weekend, perfect for wine tasting, ans some Earth Day Food and Wine festivities! Enjoy, Bev!!!
Fun finally meeting you two on Sat. Fun to drink a cpl of bottles. I think it was only 2. In June or July I’ll get an old Paso tasting together and let you know when. keep you knickers up.
Pretty sure it was only 2 bottles, Gary! Or so…Great meeting you and Marcy!!! Thanks for a great day and some awesome conversations. Would love to hang out again soon, let us know what you have in mind and we’ll keep an eye on our knickers!