About a week and a half ago, we had the opportunity to go out to Eberle Winery here in Paso Robles, after Mr. Eberle (Gary) invited us via a comment on one of our blog posts. He invited us out because he was barbequing at the Tasting Room (although he wasn’t supposed to be in town but after some airplane issues he was unable to leave for the weekend) and thought it would be good for us to come out.
A side note, most things in life aren’t as you may perceive them…and one thing Hoot had perceived was that Gary was an outspoken guy…well, that perception was true but the misunderstanding on Hoot’s part was that his outspokenness was not from arrogance, it is from a place of feeling passionately about wine and even more importantly, feeling passionately about Paso Robles.
Through getting to know Gary from his commenting on our blog and then spending damn near six hours out at the winery with him and his wife Marcy that day, we even got invited back to their home on the property, Hoot (and Annie) learned so much about wine and the history of Paso Robles that we’re still talking about it. But more importantly, we witnessed and learned so much about Gary and what makes him tick.
We were thoroughly impressed with the stories and knowledge, as well as the hospitality Gary and Marcy showed us. All this enjoyed on a lazy Saturday afternoon spent with the Eberles and friends, Dahlynn and Ken McKowen.
The moral of the story is that you can’t judge a book by its cover (heard that one before?) and you can’t judge a wine by its label, and you definitely don’t know a person until you sit down with them over a glass of wine. We had an awesome time with Gary and Marcy and look forward to spending more time with them, over wine or not. The history, hospitality, and friendship that people are willing to share can be a pretty awesome thing! A huge THANK YOU and CHEERS to Gary and Marcy!!!
Ms. @AnnieBrowne, this is a great story! Thank you for sharing it.
Hi Cheri!!! Glad you liked it…this one came from Hoot’s brain…but I was there, too! Have a great week and thanks for the comment 😉
Very nice story on Gary Eberle and wife, glad you had a good time at his winery.
Thanks, Bev! Super cool people, and a great winery! We had a really good time getting to know them a little bit better.
We are on the road judging at the Pacific Rim International Wine Comp. Gotta go. Will respond on Fri.
Keep your knickers up.
Hey Gary, safe travels…and we look forward to hearing from you! Great times with you and Marcy!!! We’ll do our best to keep our knickers up! Cheers!!!
I have always really appreciated the Eberle vineyard and the pioneer Mr Eberle has been to Paso and on a much bigger level the wine community as a whole. I stopped in during Zin Fest weekend. This is always a favorite vineyard and I even have it showing as a favorite on the Google map home page. Great people and great wines! Much respect and appreciation to Mr Eberle!
Hi Shawn! Eberle is definitely a must-stop! Great wine selection and an awesome site! The history that Gary brings to the Paso Robles wine industry is incredible…puts it all into perspective!
Outspoken and arrogant. I always thought of myself as introverted, shy, and retiring. Funny how differently we see ourselves from what other people do. I’m just a cute cuddly little kitten. Emphasis on the cute.
I was going to tell you two to come over Sat. for BBQ again if you were in the area, but it sounds like you’re going to be in Solvang. My tri-tip is better than any Danish pastry. And what do you drink with pastry? milk, tea, or maybe coffee. How civilized. Where here at Eberle you can sip Cabernet with tri-tip, or quaff some Zinfandel with a baby back rib, and guzzle some Syrah with duck sausage. Your choice. Carnivores and alcoholics or pinky fingers.
Right now the 1st week in June looks like a posibility for the old rotten wine tasting. You probably already have scheduled a trip to Disneyland.
Oh, can you cover Solvang by yourself?? Annie could come by for fun and ribs while you eat pastry.
Thanks for the kind words. Where do I send the check?
I’ll keep you posted on the old rotten wine tasting.
Love + kisses
Hey Gary, Hoot here…I have been accussed of being everything from overyl opinionated to cocky to, well, things I probably shouldn’t say on here. You’re right, it is funny how different we may view ourselves versus the way others view us. I guess it’s a shame, but than again, I’m a firm believer in speaking your mind all while keeping an open mind…and you definitely gave me the opportunity to see how you really are…so my mistake and apologies.
Regarding pastry…heck no, no pastry for me, although if I were to eat some I would probably have a Coors Light with it. I would still love to sit down some time and get some more history from you…I swear, I walked away that day with my head spinning…although, it could have been fromt he booze.
Have a great weekend, talk to you soon!! Oh, and I would let Annie go hang out while I cover Solvang, but she’d probably leave me forever with all the wine and red meat out there!! Cheers!!
No problem Hoot. We’ll get together and I’ll tell you more of my made up stories about early Paso wine. Go on to Solvang. Annie not to late to change your mind though.
Hey…Annie here! You guys are too funny, trying to get my attention with food and wine! Hey, wait…did you say duck sausage????
All you can eat cooked with loving care, and maybe an ’80 Cab. to wash it down with.
Sounds good!!! I can put a good dent in an all you can eat buffet! And Damn! An ’80 Cab??? Nice!!! Enjoy…save some for us next time.
Hoot do really drink beer?? Beer has bubbles in it and do you know what those bubbles do when they work their way through your system. Think green house gases. Keep the air clean avoid bubbles.
Hahaha…Gary, a cold beer after a day of winetasting is one of the best things in life!