While at Wine Festival here in Paso Robles, we came across a booth sporting the name Shale Oak Vineyards, which we had not heard of before…so as any Hoot n Annie would do, we bellied up to the bar.
We actually only tried their Albarino but OH MY, fanDAMNtabulous!! As we drooled over the Albarino, we found out they were opening up across the street from Red Soles Winery on Oakdale Rd. out 46 West…sooooo, we went over the following day, Sunday, to taste the entire line-up.
We tasted: 2009 Albarino (tasty, great nose, floral & soft, tropical), 2008 Syrah (smooth & full, very nice), 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon (great deal, very nice & drinkable), 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon, Reserve (distinctive, intriguing), and the 2008 KU a blend of Petite Sirah, Syrah, Zinfandel, & Grenache (great red blend, full & fruity).
Beyond the wine, they are crazy green…as in environmental. They even print their paper goods on “seed paper” which means you can just throw it down on the dirt and after some water and care, seeds will sprout! The “green” thing is such a great concept and we think deserves some extra attention. There’s some serious resources and consumption that can get a little out of hand in the wine industry. Being aware of what’s going on around you and what you’re consuming is such a good skill! Pretty cool, huh?
Well worth looking in to and supporting for their great efforts and their fantastic line up of wines!! Oh yeah, and check out the vineyard dog…JJ! Definitely no shame here…and NO, he’s not passed out, he’s well-aware of what’s happening!
P.S. Their website is still under construction, so get all up on their Facebook page and like them to keep up on what’s going on!
Related articles
- Fancy Meeting YOU Here: Gary Eberle at Wine Festival (hootnannieblog.com)
- Tasting at Red Soles Winery
Hey guys!
Fun vlog and I love how they have the patio decorated. Definitely have to check them out. Also love the seed paper idea.
See you soon?!
Hey Gina D! Yeah, super cool joint…great colors and vibe out there. Keep your eyes open for their official grand opening. We’d love to see you soon…drinks???
We went by there on Saturday…didn’t realize they weren’t officially open yet 🙁 Can’t wait! Thanks for more great info guyz! ;D
Uh oh! So you had to go to Red Soles instead? hehehe…