What is perception, really? Well, according to dictionary.com, perception is defined as: “Immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, of oral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment.”
And what does it have to do with wine, you ask? Well it has everything to do with wine! Why do you choose the wines that you do? Is it based on the way the label looks, or maybe on something you heard from a friend about a winery, or even because you have a great memory about some particular wine? The answer is YES! You base your choices on any or all of these things.
There are a lot of wine critics and tasters and drinkers out there that will tell you they don’t choose or judge what they like based on these perceptions, but on taste and aroma alone. We call “bullshit!” It’s impossible for human nature to ignore things like label design, environment, the shape of the bottle, or the rumors you’ve heard about a wine/winery. There is an innate sixth sense that we all have that sways us in certain directions when we make decisions. This isn’t lost on wine, and in fact, it’s probably even more prevalent in the wine world than many other areas.
We say throw caution to the wind and embrace all of your perceptions! Wine is so much more than a glass of juice (have you heard us say that before?) it’s feelings and memories, old and new! Let that funky label or that screw cap influence your decision and see how it turns out. Trust your instincts and feelings. Try new things, revisit old favorites, and be sure to keep trying because as often as you change your clothes, you’ll likely change your opinions about what you like and don’t like!
Cheers, go forth and drink your wine with confidence!
My perception is this….I’ll try anything once. I drink what I like, and like what I drink,
and also rely on the ‘perception’ of others who happen to have a similar ‘perception’ as
mine! Never judge a wine, or anything for that matter, based on one person’s “opinion”.
Try everything that comes your way…you never know what you’ll discover. Just because
a snotty critic doesn’t like something, doesn’t mean it isn’t good, or that you won’t like it.
Plus I’ve noticed my palette goes through frequent changes, and I end up rediscovering
things from my past, like merlot, and things I thought I didn’t like, such as white wines.
Hugs and kisses….Mo ;D
You tell ’em MO!!! Totally agree with you and your approach! See, you’ve got the open mind that all wine drinkers could benefit from; try stuff, like it, don’t like it, try it again someday and formulate a new opinion. Life is all about learning and change and all that crap, so CHEERS to you, lady! Get your wine drink on!
Yes, yes, yes!! There are a few critics that acknowledge that there are circumstantial influences on how they score a wine in any given setting, on any given day and I appreciate their honesty. This is exactly why a wine on vacation in a beautiful setting probably won’t be as tasty to you when you open that second bottle on a stressful day after work. Wine is ALWAYS consumed in some context and that has major influence on the experience. Cheers Matt and Annie!!
Right on, Scott!!! Totally agree…look forward to sharing some wine with you again, soon! That was a fun context for sure!