One of our favorite local hang-outs is the Villa Creek Restaurant in downtown Paso Robles. This place has great food, an awesome bar scene, and a terrific wine list. The restaurant also just has that vibe of all the right stuff, you know that feeling; when you can tell that they’ve been doing this for a while and have the details all pulled together.
Well, we wanted to know how they do it…so we got Manager and Sommelier, Erick Cadena together with Head Chef Tom Fundaro and asked them just how they pull it all off. How do they get that harmony between the food and the wine? Do they pick the wines to match the food, or do they make the food to go with certain styles of wine?
We’ll let Erick and Tom tell you how they put it all together for you, and if you’ve never been to Villa Creek you’ll want to check it out now for sure!
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Villa Creek is one of Pasos fine meeting and eating places. Good food and good wine list, and the only place in Paso besides my house where you can get a Sazarac. There is culture in Paso Robles.
Maybe we should meet down at VC for a little Sazarac sometime, Gary! It’s possible that we spend a little too much time at VC, but it’s worth it! They definitely do have that thing that people keep coming back for!
Sounds good to me. Let me talk to Marcy. Maybe Fri.
Friday might work…we’ll know more tomorrow. Let us know what Marcy says…