Continuing on our little jaunt, we’ve gone from Aachen, Germany to Paris, France! A bit of a change, but exciting and beautiful beyond the imagination. Around every corner there’s something to stop and look at, whether it’s a cathedral from the 1200’s, a bakery with fresh bread wafting out, a beautiful sculpture, or just interesting people. We’ve spent the majority of our time here walking…yes, walking as much as possible! It’s necessary for so many reasons; you get to see all the details of buildings, all while hearing seeing and smelling the local culture. Walking also helps with the new bread, cheese and wine habit we’ve formed over here…well, maybe it’s not new, but it’s definitely more regular now!
So, that’s been our life the last several days, walk, look, listen, take pictures, stop for a pichet of vin blanc with a quiche du jour or a plate of charcuterie and then off to walk again.
Now, to share with you some of our tasty treats….
And some snails…
You have to walk off that bread intake somehow:) Paris is on my list of places to travel too. How exciting and sounds like you guys are having a blast! Take Care.
Renee, we’ve eaten more bread and cheese here than in a normal year at home…and every bite has been worth it!!! You must get to Paris…and when you do, let us know and we’ll tell you about the cool little spots we’ve found! Cheers!!!