Know what a Louvre is? If not…we’ll show you; but first, we’ll give you a little background. We had the glorious opportunity to travel to Europe recently; partly for work, but in true form we worked in a lot of play as well! Our travels started and ended in Paris, France with a good chunk of time in Aachen, Germany in the middle. If you’ve been to Paris then you know what a beautiful and magical city it is, and if you’ve never been then you should consider putting it on your short list of places to get to.
Musee du Louvre, Paris, France
There is just so much rich history and beauty in Paris, that it’s difficult to explain in words. Here in the US, we’re accustomed to historical buildings and monuments that are maybe 100 years old, but in Paris they’ve got us beat! The buildings that are now known as the Musee du Louvre was built in the 12th century, and is currently the most visited museum in the world!
We didn’t go inside of the Louvre, just meandered around the courtyard, and then all along the garden walkway that extends as far as they eye can see. We stopped several times along our walk to admire statues, watch the colorful (very colorful) trinket vendors, marvel at the detail in the buildings, and of course, to enjoy some wine in the outdoor cafes while watching all the other tourists walk by.
Here’s a little taste of our experience in the video; you can get a good feeling for the immensity of the Louvre’s grounds, but until you see this place for yourself, there’s just no way to soak it all in. We’re still trying to absorb our experiences…and hope to visit again! There are just so many little nooks and crannies that we have yet to uncover. The adventure never ends!
Snails and Other Things in Paris, France
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