Life is not always perfect, nor should it be. We have so many things flying at us these days due to technology and the new 24 hour cycle…bad economy, high unemployment, our politicians in D.C. incapable of agreeing on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, the Penn State scandal, earthquakes, war, protests, and so on. We’re pretty sure you get the idea.
Even with all this said…we are thankful. We are thankful because we have the choice to focus on the good or the bad. We’re thankful that each day we’re given we can choose to be part of the solution or part of the problem. We’re thankful for each moment with each other, even when we may not be best buddies, because underneath that we know that we actually are. We’re thankful for all the people in our life (from those right here in Paso Robles to the network of people we’ve built around the world via technology), whether they were there for just an instant or they have been around for decades.
To simplify, we are thankful that as long as we are breathing we have a choice. Our choice is to continue to be better…better for each other, for our friends and family, and for our community. We feel that we understand the privilege of life and that we do not want to waste a second of it. We are thankful for every opportunity that has come our way as well as all the “not good” stuff because it has forced us to grow and shown us the importance of each second and helped us to appreciate the good so much more.
We are also thankful for the human spirit, even though all we hear about is how bad people are…there are those of you out there that are helping to feed the hungry, others that are waging the war against bullies, those that are making the ultimate sacrifice by dying for this country, those that are helping disabled children…and all the stuff in between. For each of you, we are thankful.
This Thanksgiving, we are choosing to focus on the good, as is our intention every day; but to still be aware of the not so good. We’re choosing to make the attempt to be present each and every moment and be compassionate toward others since we have not walked in their shoes. We’re choosing to help others when we can and try to motivate those that can hear us as so many have motivated us. We’re choosing to pay it forward when possible…whether it be with dollars or words, a can of food or opening a door. We’re choosing to live…we’re choosing to be thankful…truly thankful. What are you choosing?
Love this. Hope you guys have a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving! 🙂
Thank you so much, Amanda! We wish the same for you and look forward to seeing you soon! Enjoy all the turkey your belly can hold!!! Oh, and WINE!!! Cheers!
I’m with you choosing to be “Thankful”. Very wise words for such a young couple, but it’s the truth and if people would do what you are suggesting it would be a better place. Don’t let the government get us down, (easier said then done-sometimes) we have to have faith in our GOD who created this world and what is to come to pass. I’ve had my share of ups and downs and it has made me a stronger person although sometimes I had wished I had made a different choice but who knows how that would have turned out, so I have to accept the life I have chosen so far and spread the good word down to my grandchildren. There is so much drama is everyone’s lives due to the economy, losing jobs, their house etc it can put a lot of stress on a family and it either make them or break them. We all have to help each other and the less fortunate then we are, it not only makes us feel better about ourselves but it will be a domino effect. Stay true to yourself, it works! Happy Thanksgiving. Amen.
Hi Bev!!! We’ve missed you…Thanks so much the the great comment and thoughts! It’s so easy to get caught up in the drama and blame game, but when it comes down to it we just have to make our choices in life and get on with it! Have a super great Thanksgiving, we’ve all got a lot to be thankful for and should recognize that every day!!!
Thanks Annie, I’ve missed writing back, since I’ve been working it’s taken a beating on me, but I’ll get back in the groove of things. I always enjoy your events/video’s. I’m here in spirit and you guys always lift me up. (smile)
So glad to hear that you found a job…even if it’s temporary! That definitely takes priority over us! 😉 Enjoy and have a wonderful day! You make us smile, too!!!
Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for making the world a better place with your fun blog posts and positive outlook that you share with others!
Thanks, Elizabeth! We appreciate the feedback!!! Cheers!!!
Love it! It all starts with our thinking! Someone recently was telling me about a meeting they were in, and the person leading it was talking about exercise. They said, don’t think, oh, I have to walk today, instead, think I get to walk today.
As the meeting ended, and another was about to start, a woman came in the building in her wheel chair. How easy it is to take the simplest things in life for granted. Thanks for this post! Hope you guys had a great thanksgiving!
Hey there…yes!!! It’s all about the perspective and choices that we make…so important!!! Happy Thanksgiving to you, and a huge CHEERS!!!
I just wanted to reach out and thank you for everything you guys do for the wine community. You provide an invaluable service. I like your style, thx for being who U R .
Hey Kevin, Thanks so much! We appreciate the feedback…and we try to have style! 🙂