It’s New Year’s Eve, that time has come again where we look back on all that has happened in this past year and look forward to what this new year might have in store. We reflect, we ponder, we remember, and we hope. We gather to say good-bye to the old and say hello to the new. Some of us look forward to leaving the old year, some of us are sad to see it go. No matter where you are or what your feelings are on this Dec ember 31, 2011…you own this moment and all the moments around the corner starting January 1, 2012.
But What About New Year Resolutions?
It is not time for resolutions but rather accountability and a realization that we are given this amazing privilege of life and nobody can take that fact away. It doesn’t matter how many days you live here in this world, it matters what you do with those days. And what you do with those days is not up to anyone…we will repeat, what you do with the days you have on Earth are not up to ANYONE, but YOU.
We think 2012 should be about adventure, experimenting, exploring, and living. We think that each one of us should choose to live the life we day dream about and help others do the same. We think the word community is powerful and we are so blown away at how amazing OUR community of online and off line friends has been to us. And by the way, if you are reading this, you are part of our community and we thank you.
We have been so lucky and blessed to have the community we have…the way that you’ve been there to make us laugh, to teach us, to share important days with us, through the all the ups and downs…and we hope we have given back to you in the same way that you have given to us.
This is our time, it is time for all of us to appreciate what we have and not lose time wishing we had something else. It is time to appreciate the moments in life…every single chance we get. It’s not about saying good-bye to 2011 or saying hello to 2012. It is about realizing that we get so caught up in everyday drama and the American dream of work a lot, get in debt, and hopefully one day you can retire…we focus more on celebrity marriages and divorce than we do about living our dreams.
We’ve allowed politicians to stop working and it’s become about the next sex scandal that tops the last one. We’re more worried about talking crap about those that have “more stuff” than we do. We get all wrapped up in to what emblem is on the hood of our car and what the tag on our jeans say.
It’s time, right now…decide to make a change. Decide to own your life and set the example for others. Let’s focus on community and not the drama. We are on this journey…of trying to be accountable for us and what we put out there in the world. We are trying to maximize all the moments we can knowing full well that one day our moments will stop coming.
We really want to wish you a very Happy New Year, an amazing 2012…but it seems too vague and broad a wish from us. What we wish for you, is the same thing we strive to do…wake up every single day with a plan, breathe in the moments, smile more and worry less…do that on January 1, 2012. So maybe that’s a better way of saying it, we wish you a happy January 1st, and we’ll be here January 2nd to wish you a happy day then to. It’s not this big hard process…one small step at a time and your life can be what you want it to be.
Don’t worry about rocking 2012, worry about rocking January 1st.
Thank you to each and every one of you, we hope to continue this awesome journey together and look forward to adventuring, experimenting, and exploring with you. Cheers!!
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Happy New Year Hoot n Annie, it’s been a joy joining you in this journey of life together and sharing your wine venture, you have made my unemployment days worth living, now that I am working I may not reply at every blog but know I am reading it and I support you. I will be staying home tonight (trying to get rid of my head cold) so may God Bless you both in the New Year, Cheers!
Hi there Bev, sorry you have a cold, get better quick!!
We really appreciate the fact that you take time out of your day to read/ watch our stuff and we’re very happy we’ve become friends! It’s an amazing life!! A very Happy New Year to you!!!
What will I do with tomorrow? Get up and have some coffee, watch the 49ers clinch 2nd place in the NFC, and work on being the best Dad that I can be, maybe Bed, Bath n’ Beyond…
Mitch…as it should be man, that dad part is pretty damn awesome and special! That’s what this life is though, finding out what makes you want to wake up everyday and doing that. It’s our one shot at this thing…NO REGRETS!!
What a great post, Matt and Annie! You really boiled it all down. Seize the day, be your own hero, and focus on what matters. Great reminders!
Here’s wishing both of you a fantastic January 1 😉
Hi Amber! Happy New Year to you…just getting some thoughts out there to encourage people to create their own happiness in life! Thanks for reaching out, cheers to a great 2012!