It gets boring going to the same places all the time so this past weekend when we were talking about where we could go to do some work on our laptops Hunter Ranch Golf Course & Restaurant came to mind. We figured we could go enjoy their famous Sunday brunch and then hang out and get some work done. It turned out way better than I would have expected.
Hunter Ranch Does Brunch
So, we did the whole brunch thing…tons of great food to choose from! Everything from eggs benedict to chicken enchiladas to ricd krispie treats! After brunch we hung out in this cool courtyard kind of area they have between the club house and the restaurant…it was crazy peaceful. It was a hot day, in the mid 90’s but due to the cover walkways, oak trees, and nice breeze it felt like it was 75 or 80…perfect! We actually ended up sitting there for about an hour and a half or so and Annie was able to get some stuff done and I ended up not getting crap done. That was my fault though, I honestly got lost in the moment. I was people watching and daydreaming, two very important characteristics of highly successful people. Okay, that was a lie but the point is that I’m not one that relaxes very often but that was the right place and right time for my mind to slow down.
It’s now my current favorite place…can’t wait to go back and try it again. It’s especially cool because you can go into the restaurant and get a beer and go sit outside and just enjoy the amazing views of rolling hills, fairways, vineyards, oak trees, and blue sky!
Just as a disclaimer, I make no money from endorsing Hunter Ranch at all…I am legitimately stoked that I was able to find somewhere else other than the ocean to calm me that much; although I’m not giving up the ocean…Hunter Ranch comes in 2nd place to what the ocean provides me, but you get the point.
Off to Mitchella Winery
After that good ‘ol time we decided to stop by and check out Mitchella Winery, hadn’t been there for quite a while. I love that spot…tucked in behind Robert Hall Winery it is in the home of the owners and it’s beautiful. Vineyards come right up alongside the house and you can tell they do tons of entertaining once you see their pizza oven and big backyard kitchen. I didn’t taste through their list, I had a glass of their 2011 Viognier because it was a warm day and it tasted fantastic!
I bought a bottle of that Viognier and their Tempranillo for the road…well, not for the road that would be illegal but to take home for another day.
That was our awesome Sunday adventure…what was yours?
Check out the video AND the slideshow!!!

Very nice, so how far is this golf course from town/your house? It’s nice to find a place to relax and enjoy the surroundings.
@Beverlya Good morning, Bev! Hunter Ranch is just outside of town on the 46 East…probably two miles from the 101 or so. Makes it VERY convenient for us to go and hang out! We definitely got some relaxing in…well overdue!
I frequenlty meet Mike there after he goes out for an early morning round of golf. Great fare at fair price, and close to lots of great wineries! We actually paid a visit to Mitchella after lunch the last time we were there too ^,^*.
Great to see you back in the cool live shots, Annie!
Hi Mo! That’s so cool that you guys hang out at Hunter Ranch, too!!! Such a beautiful spot, and yeah, great food! Mitchella’s got some tasty juice, too. It’s good to be back on camera, I’ve missed you guys!!!