So as most of you have probably gathered by now, I’m pregnant! 34 weeks tomorrow, to be exact and one of the most common questions I get is “don’t you miss drinking?” or “how do you do it, going so long without drinking??? I could NEVER do that!!!”. In the beginning I would respond with something along the lines of “Well, you know, priorities change and it’s just not that big of a deal”. Or something sort of similar.
Well, as I’ve spent more and more time being completely sober my perspective on all this has changed a bit. And, I’ll be completely honest, I’ve sipped a little wine here and there throughout my pregnancy so it’s not the taste of alcohol that I miss. What I miss is the FEELING, the buzz, the relaxation that hits about halfway through your first or second glass and you take a deep breath and settle back into your chair a little bit deeper. The winding down from a long day with a great glass or two or three of something wonderful. That’s what I miss!
When I first got pregnant, Matt and I didn’t really know how our social life would be affected with me being sober and all…but that worked itself out pretty quickly. There was a little bit of a learning curve, but I figured out how to “be” in a bar, party, wine event, etc. with no cocktail or wine glass in my hand. I learned how to socialize and joke and laugh without that familiar warmth of a couple of glasses of wine under my belt. Sound boring? Funny thing is; I’ve actually enjoyed all this. It’s shown me that I have the ability to enjoy myself without the buzz…I’ve gotten to know myself a little better and I feel good about it! All that, and NO hangovers! There’s definitely something to be said for drinking water with lemon all night!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ll be diving head first off this wagon the minute Little Browne shows up and I get the okay from my Doctor, but I’ll do it with a new perspective. I’ve got some new skills and I’m not afraid to use them!
Could you do it? Would you do it?
Happy Friday, friends!!! Drink well!!!
Annie: you need to pen your column into a story for our anthology series: Not Your Mother’s Book . . . On Moms-to-Be! This is perfect for our mature-audience-only series. I can explain more by phone. Royalties? Free books? 🙂
BTW, your thoughts are spot-on. When I was pregnant both times, I felt the same way. But back then, it was tequila and a beer for me. Non-alcholic beer helped a little. But having a crappy week at work, I’d unwind with a margarita or beer.
Hi Dahlynn! Sounds great…I’m all in for sharing thoughts and stories with other prego’s!
I thought it would be difficult to give up, but even a sip of alcohol when I was pregnant gave me the WORST heartburn! That made it pretty easy 🙂
Hi Annie! Yeah, pretty much everything gives me heartburn these days…but nothing a couple of Tums won’t help! I travel with them everywhere I go!!!
My OB-Gyn told me to go ahead and have a glass of red wine everyday (after the 1st trimester). His saying was, ‘a relaxed mother is a relaxed baby’. He was right!!! Good luck & I’m so excited for you guys.
Thanks, Cyndee!!! And I like the way your OB-Gyn thinks. Mine is of the whole “everything in moderation” train of thought so I figure that sipping here and there is pretty moderate! Cheers!!!
Hi Annie! So I’ve never been pregnant and given my age (and sexual preference) there really is no chance of me ever being pregnant. But I do know what you are talking about. Recently I went on a 30 day no alcohol cleanse and I felt great. I went out to parties and dinners and drank water and I think I had a better time than I do when drinking. I too learned to have fun and come out of my shell without the alcohol. I am back to drinking but I am ready for another cleanse. Life is good without the fuzz. I still love the taste of good wine and will continue to drink.
And by the way, my mother who was not a drinker said she was out dancing and drinking whiskey sours the night before I was born and I turned out great!
Hi Gina! That’s pretty cool about your cleanse…it’s interesting how we can get so caught up in leaning on drinking as such an integral part of socializing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining, I’m just glad I’ve survived this long without taking any prisoners. Cheers to you and your will power!!!
This is why I never got pregnant.
Yeah, you and Matt both, Gary!
And they call us the dumber sex.
Hmm, I’ll neither confirm or deny that (does that make me smart???).
No it makes you sound like a democrat.
HAha…very funny, Gary! I was thinking it made me sound more like Switzerland.
Well maybe French speaking Switzerland , certainly not Germanic Switzerland. Sieg Hiel.
Congratulations! 36 weeks?!! Humm… If I remember my high school biology correctly, that should make you a plural. (or was that my high school English class?) In any event, I’m thrilled for both you and Matt.
Best regards,
Dan Fitch
Hi Dan!!! Wow, they taught you about plurals in high school? I must have gone to the wrong school! Thank you so much, we’re very excited, too and can’t wait to meet the little guy (and I can’t wait to have a glass of wine). All our best to you and Pat! Cheers!!!