I know this part has nothing to do with wine or food here in paradise but it does have to do with Annie’s favorite baseball team and one of my two favorite baseball teams. The San Francisco giants World Series trophy has been on tour and is scheduled to be in the Paso Robles Downtown Park (in the gazebo) on February 15th!! That’s a Friday so take your kids out of school and call in sick to work and get your butt to the park. I want to go and get a picture of Sammy with the trophy if I can, that would be pretty darn cool if you ask me.
Here’s a whole schedule of the tour here. Oh, and if you’re wondering what my other favorite baseball team is it’s the L.A. Dodgers. Yes, I know…how is it possible to be a fan of the Dodgers and the Giants? I’m not sure, but I am…bipolar or something.
All that aside, I can’t leave you without giving you some wine related news…so here you go. This press release came to me in regards to Vina Robles Winery and the new amphitheatre they are building. Check out the press release here. I for one cannot wait to go check this facility out and I think it’s a great addition to Paso Robles.
Cheers folks, Happy Wine Wednesday to you!
Matt, you can’t be a Dodgers and a Giants fan…you have to pick one, Annie did.
LOL…Mitch I have not found the proper medication to get me past my baseball bipolar disorder.
That would be great for Sammy to have his picture taken with the trophy! What a neat memory/experience!
For sure Heather, hoping it works out and hoping that they let us up close.
Baseball is the best cure for insomnia, and a waste of 3 hours. Just my opinion.
Gary, Haha…Annie and I only watch playoff/ World Series stuff. Our A.D.D. prevents us from sitting still for so long typically. We tend to like football more. You need a picture of some Eberle wine with the trophy!
Nice, maybe we can come up there this summer to see the amphitheatre wishful thinking. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the trophy tho.
Cheers Bev! The amphitheatre will be a great addition, can’t wait! The trophy should be interesting, not sure if any players will be around or not…we shall see. 🙂
First of all, Matt, I won’t tell Barry you’re a fan of both teams – he’s a Giant fan 100%. Long story. Secondly how cool that you’ll be able to see the World Series trophy! I don’t see it on the schedule in any location near us. Too bad, Barry would LOVE to see it.
LOL…thanks for not telling Xochitl!! Bummer it won’t be near you…pretty cool opportunity. Hoping to get a pic of Sammy with it!