We love them!!
Sure real glass is the preferred method of consuming wine but plastic wine glasses, otherwise known as patio glasses, work really well for traveling, hot tubbing, clumsy people, packing (don’t have to worry about them breaking), picnics, and possibly even more reasons but this list is reason enough to have some plastic on hand.
I’m also not ashamed to say that I’ve consumed large amounts of wine from those red Solo cups as well. Come to think of it, I’ve also had wine out of the bottle, from my coffee cup, paper cups, and if I’m not mistaken I’ve also had it in a water bottle (Annie here; YES, you have!)
The other thing I found fascinating is that Annie and I concluded that in the 6 plus years we’ve been together we’ve consumed over $30,000 in wine. Our feeling was that this estimation is on the conservative side but it blew our minds. If you calculate 1 to 1.5 bottles of wine per day for our time together and multiply that by the very conservative amount of $10 per bottle…you get a lot of money.
Why did I multiply it by $10?
I did this because we have purchased wine that ranges quite a bit in price but the other thing is that we have received lots of samples and wine at discounted prices. Anyway, it was completely unscientific but we feel this is a pretty close figure and it shocked us, not in a regretful way but more in a “WOW” way.
We’ve also done stuff like pair Saxum wines with Dominos Hawaiian pizza…I blame our friend Jeanette for this but it was an awesome evening. I guess the point to all this is that we do what we do and we don’t give a lick what other folks think. Get comfortable with you and how you do it and ignore the snobs and haters. Use plastic cups, spend $5 on a bottle of wine once in a while, pair expensive food with whatever you want and drink expensive wine with whatever you like.
While I agree re wine snobs I really think wine tastes better in a glass (or bottle) than in a paper cup. Maybe it’s just the ambience. Isn’t there a waiting list for Saxum wines? Love reading your posts keep em coming:) Include Sammy too please:)
Hey Jo!!!!! Hope you are well. I agree that glass is the preferred vessel to drink wine from but when the time comes and paper or plastic is all you have or easier to pack…I’m game. As for the Saxum, yes there is a waiting list. We are VERY fortunate to have a good friend that shares her Saxum shipments with us from time to time. She’s awesome!
Hey Matt yeah I know and I have had to drink wine out of paper cups and plastic cups too! When we have our wine party however, we have so many glasses from wineries that we give everyone a glass from a different winery so they can always find their glass! 🙂 Hope to see you guys in April we are going to come to the Cab fest may just do a couple of dinners rather than go to the event. I want to try Ecluse and Caliza have you been to either?
Jo, we have been to both of those wineries…both quite nice. Really love Caliza wines and the people are fantastic at both places. 🙂
Will you be around that weekend? I need a Sammy fix! 🙂
Almost positive we will be, Jo!! We will definitely try to meet up and have a glass of wine or dinner!! 🙂
Sounds good!