Another post about Paso Robles and social media, Matt…really?
Yep, sorry, but I need to get Paso Robles to understand the importance of social media. When I say Paso Robles I of course mean the wineries but this applies to the wine groups and organizations, the city, the Chamber of Commerce, hotels, B&B’s, restaurants, and any business I have not specifically named by industry.
The Real Scoop on Paso Robles and Social Media
I get contacted on a very regular basis via Twitter, Facebook, email, this blog, and a little bit on Google Plus about where people should eat, drink, and sleep in Paso Robles. I’m also contacted by people that are sitting at a restaurant or store in another city or state, asking me which bottle of Paso wine they should pick off the menu or the shelf.
There are people all over this country that want to know about Paso wine…who is giving them that? Your website? How do you know that pulls them in? That’s where social media can be such a wonderful tool if you use it correctly. You can create relationships and be known as the “must see Paso winery” or the “expert on Paso wines”.
In a sense, even though I am absolutely the opposite of a wine expert, I do know Paso Robles. I know a lot of the people, the winemakers, and the business owners. I know who has good to great wine and I know which businesses will take care of the customers once they’re in the door.
I know which restaurants have great customer service and which ones do not. I know which wineries have great views, which ones have which varieties, and many of the other unique characteristics about the local wineries. I also know about the hotels but I actually don’t know too much about the B&B’s but I am hoping to learn more so I can help those that contact me for that info.
The point is that the ROI in social media is relationships. I’ve spent 4.5 years building relationships online. Many people know me as the guy to go to when they have questions about Paso Robles. I often hear from people that they’ve tried communication with some local Paso businesses via Twitter or Facebook but those businesses did not respond.
You could be building these relationships directly. People come to me on a weekly basis for info and they come to me because I’ve dedicated the time, I’ve shown my knowledge, I’ve built the relationships, word of mouth, and I’m one of the only people (NOT the only, ONE of the few) in Paso Robles doing this.
Hell, I’ve had experiences going to local wineries where I hit them up on Facebook the day before or a few hours before and I never got a response. That pisses me off. Those are wineries I am less likely to go back to. If you have a Facebook account or Twitter account, it is the same as your email address or phone number….answer!!
Nothing makes a human being happier than be acknowledged…so do it.
I know many of you say you don’t have the time or money to devote to digital but I, again, strongly urge you to find a way. I can’t tell you how many people have come to Paso from Texas, Oregon, Nevada, Colorado, New York, Florida, and so many other states, that have gone where I recommended they go. Are you on my good list??? Are you active online and if you are have you been paying attention to those people that are mentioning Paso Robles?
Billboards and phone book ads are super cute but they suck. I have no problem continuing to be one of Paso’s ambassadors, in fact I love it, but I really wish we had a stronger community representing Paso Robles online. And when I say representing online, I mean being active, consistent, and being PART of the community not trying to own the community.
What do you see as possible reasons to NOT be involved online?
If you are not active online is it more out of “fear of the unknown” or is it because you don’t have the time or money?
Well said Matt..
Thanks, Loshel. 🙂
Good luck with the social media evangelizing, Matt. While it takes a little effort to have an effective social media presence, the ROI can be significant, especially for wineries, which can use it to distinguish themselves, share their story, and create loyal brand ambassadors. Wine is not just a beverage, it’s an experience, and social media can add to its value.
Thank you, Kim. And you are absolutely right. Wine is social and fun, fits perfectly with social media. The ROI is definitely there but can obviously be hard to track. My attitude is that there is always ROI with building and cultivating relationships…just need to trust in that. Two things you point out…their story and loyal brand ambassadors…business has always been that way but the platforms we have now make it so much easier than ever before. Cheers and thanks again.
I hope I’m still on your good list! If I had a business open to the public, I’d be in constant contact through social media!!!
Thanks for keeping Paso on the map, Matt. You & Annie do a fabulous job!
Thank you Cyndee!! You know we love ya!! If there’s anything I can do to spread the word about what you do or whatever, let me know. 🙂
I’m guilty of going directly to you for Paso advice because I couldn’t find my answers on line, or I got no response.
Maybe Paso is in the midst of growing pains, shops, restaurants & wineries need to embrace social media – it works!
Hope you, Annie & Sammie are doing well!
Eileen, I love being able to give info to folks not familiar with our area. You are exactly right and it bums me out that, as a tourist, you did not get that info straight from whoever you were trying to contact.
We’re all doing great, of course it’s much busier with the little guy but it’s been an interesting “project”. LOL Hope you are well. 🙂
Keep up the good work, Matt. I really like what you are doing. We have done some SEO for local wineries, but they all need good people working on their social sites every day. There is a big opportunity there for them.
Scott, I think SEO is good for folks to be working on but doing that alone isn’t enough. I know you agree with that…not utilizing the online space fully seems crazy to me. If I owned a winery I’d be on social media sites more than I am now. Wine and social media go together like chocolate and peanut butter. 🙂