I’ve probably written about this each year on this blog but there is something about the season of Paso Robles Harvest that really brings me to a place of reflection. It is truly an amazing time; you can feel the level of energy and anticipation rise as the flurry of activity starts.
What Is Paso Robles Harvest Time All About?
Harvest time is telling a story…the story of Mother Nature, the story of the land, the story of the farmers, and the story of a future vintage of wine. The vines are at their peak of the growing season…full, green, and hanging on to the grapes they have spent months developing.
The farmers have been working through the growing season and now comes the “fruit of their labor”; literally and with some luck from Mother Nature. The days bring long hours, testing grapes, prepping all the wine equipment, and often lots of waiting for prime picking conditions.
I never thought I would live in “wine country”, hell, I had never heard of Paso Robles until possibly 10 years ago. There’s something kind of magical about harvesting but even more magical about wine grape harvest in Paso Robles. Our area is still considered an up-and-comer but we’re known internationally. Our area is still small and quaint (although long time residents may not think so) yet thousands and thousands of people flock here yearly to take part in what our harvests produce.
Just as Spring tells the story of new life, harvest tells the story of that life on the vine. I guess I get reflective because in so many ways we can equate it to our lives. The good and the bad, the ups and downs, and the life we live…all told in the same way.
I am very fortunate to be here and be surrounded by the beauty the vineyards give us, the wine those vineyards produce, and the sincerely amazing people I have come to know because of this thriving wine industry. All because of a little grape…it is rather incredible when you take the time to think about that. For those of you involved in the local wine industry (whether you just drink it or you work in the biz) you probably understand what I mean.
We make new friends because of these grapes. Maybe we find our significant other because of these grapes. Who knows, but breathe that in for a minute and appreciate this. This moment in time will not always be here…but it is here right now.
To all the folks out in the vineyards, good luck and happy harvest! From Annie and I, thanks to all those involved in the wine process and our friends that mean the world to us…cheers, to the next vintage!
It’s amazing how fast the year goes by. Makes you realize how important it is to take advantage of what each season has to offer. I love watching the evolving seasons of the vines in SLO County. Yes, an incredible place to live!
Elizabeth, it sure amazing how fast the year goes by. Seems the older I get the busier I get which increases the speed of time. We live in an amazing area from south county to north…amazing people, wine, food, music, beauty, beaches, and countless other things that make this little area paradise for those that live here! Cheers!!