Christmas is a happy, joyous time filled with family and friends for so many people; as it should be. To those folks I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
This Christmas I wanted to focus on two things…1) those that do not find today a joyous time and 2) the people in my life.
For those of you having a rough time this Christmas I want to say you’re not alone. It happens to the best of us. I’ve had some very bumpy, depressing Christmas’ in the past and there’s no way to pretty that up. There are times when it seems we are buried under so much that we can’t even breathe but I want you to know things can change. No matter how sad, depressed, dark, or alone things may be you need to realize there is purpose for you and whether you believe it or not there are people that love you and need you. That may be hard to see clearly right now but trust me…hold on to hope and know things will get better.
To all of you that feel alone today I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas from me, Annie, and Sammy.
Now I’d like to talk directly to my family and friends. This morning when I got up I checked Facebook and other social media stuff (after I did some dishes that is) and something struck me…as I was scrolling through Facebook I saw person after person in my stream that I genuinely like and care about on some level. Some of those people I have known for years while others I have only known a brief time. Some of those people I knew before Facebook and other folks I met because of Facebook. Some of these folks I know off line and others I only know online.
To all of you that are in my life (our life, this comes from Annie and Sammy too) thank you and Merry Christmas. I say it a lot and I know it’s corny but I am so thankful for each of you. I love being part of your life and you part of mine. As someone that deals with depression, life can be hard enough some days and especially tough at Christmas for some reason but the community of people in my life always brighten my day.
Cheers and Merry Christmas from us to you!
Merry Merry & Happy Happy to you all ~ Matt, Annie & Sammy! I love reading and sharing your blog. Hope to see you sometime after the New Year. My best to you in 2014! Cheers!
Thank you so much, Diane. We will definitely see you soon. Merry Christmas and a VERY happy New Year!!
You, Annie & Sammy are such a joy in
my life and I am blessed to have you as my friends. Merry Christmas!!!
Gina, we love you like crazy and can’t wait for you to be back i Paso. Thank you my friend.
Sammy needs more pizza.
Gary, Sammy LOVES pizza!! We had a great time hanging out with you guys…pizza was awesome!