Quite some time ago I wrote a blog post (and provided photos) about the litter problem in the Paso Robles Downtown City Park. The problem has not gotten any better. Here are some thoughts and questions that come to my mind:
Why do people litter?
Is it laziness or in some cases is it genuine forgetfulness?
When littering is done on purpose what is going through the persons mind?
I hate litter.
When I take Sammy to the park I hate having to tell him to not pick up the trash.
I’ve been meaning to buy some latex gloves and put them in my truck, along with trash bags, so I can pick up trash as I follow Sammy around the park.
Why do some people think it’s other people’s job to clean up after them?
If you want to litter in your personal living room feel free. The public park is the community’s living room, you must live by community rules and have respect in the community’s living room.
It is so intensely frustrating to see the lack of respect from some people. As I’ve stated before, I don’t think this is just a problem with kids or just a problem with the few homeless we have in Paso. I think it’s a collective problem. Old and young, homeless and not, black and white…it’s a respect thing.
It is my personal belief that littering (and many other human activities) not only shows a general lack of respect for other people but it shows a lack of self-respect. Grow up. Start respecting yourself and others. Respect your community. Respect the fact that public spaces are for the public, not just you.
You aren’t cool or funny when you deface public property…which includes littering. You don’t get a “Bad Ass of the Year” award when you do these things. A quick reminder too, cigarette butts and gum count as littering as well.
There you have it. I know there is no purpose in writing this other than being able to get it off my chest but for those of us that follow community rules I think it’s time we start reporting those that don’t, calling out those that are not respecting the community, and helping in the clean up when we do find these messes.
That is all…for now.

When I ride my bike, I see so much trash on the side of the road. Yes, people ARE responsible for their own trash, but when so much of it has corporate names on it (fast food!!) should we not hold those companies somewhat responsible? They’re all on social media. Let’s start taking pictures of brand-name litter and posting them.
I don’t know, Amy. I mean, if I make a product and you purchase it, am I then responsible for how you use it or what you do with it? I do think corporations need to get better at creating less packaging but in my opinion, once the product is in the consumers hand it really is that persons responsibility. Just my thought.