I’m not totally sure how we ended up hearing about these pop-up dinners that Niner Wine Estates started doing or how we ended up going with a group of friends…but we don’t need to know. The point is that we went and we are winning for doing so.
These pop-up dinners happen on Sunday evening and they are family style, which means you’re at a table with the friends you bring and strangers. It also means the food comes like it does at the dining table at home…in bowls and on plates and you pass it around to everyone.
The night we went the theme was ‘Rustic Italian’. Our menu included:
Grilled Eggplant Dip and Crostini
Arugula Salad with Salami, Pecorino and Ceci Beans
Carrot Mint Salad
Roasted Potatoes with Herbs and Tomatoes
Porchetta and Salsa Verde
Grilled Figs with Thyme – Orange Panna Cotta
If you are at all familiar with Chef Maegen Loring, you know every dish was absolutely delicious and full of amazing flavors. I did have a couple of favorites though. I’m not normally a huge salad fan but the Arugula Salad was fantastic. The dressing was perfect! I really enjoyed the Roasted Potatoes dish as well. They were cooked beautifully and the herbs were spot on. The Porchetta was super tasty and the combination of flavors in each bite was quite simply…damn good.
The wine flowed as well. Having a Sauvignon Blanc to start and moving to a Sangiovese and then a Cabernet Sauvignon. It was very comfortable, intimate, and felt festive. As if we all came together to celebrate a wedding or something of that nature.
I’m very happy to see Niner Wine Estates doing everything they can to continue to promote and highlight the fact that they have Chef Loring in the building. She brings another level to “winery food” here on the Central Coast. You need to get into one of these pop-up dinners and if you can’t swing that, go for lunch. They do lunch Thursday through Sunday from 11:00am to 4:00pm.
Check out the photos below and let me know what you think when you go check them out.

That sounds great! I’ve sampled and enjoyed one of their Cabs; I’m sure I’d enjoy one of their dinners!
Some changes here? Noticed your url. Cheers!
Yes David, I’m sure you’d love it. And yes, we did change things. New look and we also combined all 4 of our blogs to this one and change the domain name. It was time.
How do toy find about pop up dinners. Also love your guys blog, can not wait for each posting.
Ron, use the links in the blog post. One takes you to a link for their restaurant and another takes you right to a schedule of the pop up dinners.
They so sound fanatastic. I will have to keep that in mind when we come out for Harvest, if they are still doing them. The Southwestern Sizzle sounds amazing. And the price is so reasonable. Thanks for sharing the “secret”
Definitely a terrific experience, Lori. Let us know how the ‘Sizzle’ is!!!
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