About a week and a half ago I received a voicemail from Gary Eberle letting me know that they would be making pizza at the tasting room. They make pizza in their relatively new pizza oven pretty consistently, and my best advice would be to check their Facebook page for when they are doing so.
Needless to say, we went out to see what was going on and wow, it was packed. They had live music and sure enough, Gary and his buddies were working hard on pumping out the pizzas. I’ve got photos in the slideshow below to prove it. We (Annie, Sammy, and I) had to check it out for ourselves and the pizza got an A+ from us…even Sammy.
The one thing I’ve left out though, is that this was all going on because they were celebrating one year of Gary Eberle having his winery back. If you don’t recall the story feel free to Google it, I don’t feel like rehashing it. Bottom line, Gary and his crew were celebrating one year of independence. They were a little bit late (exact date-wise) in celebrating but who cares…any day is a good day to celebrate.
We hung out for a while, listening to live music and chatting with Gary and his friends. Not only is Eberle Winery super dog friendly but they are quite kid friendly too. Plenty of grass for Sammy to run around on. Funny thing…since we had Sammy, Gary has been telling us that if we change his name to Gary Jr. he would pay for his college. I’m thinking we may take him up on that one.
Side note, the new release 2015 Viognier was tasting quite lovely that day.
Congrats to Gary and his team and thanks for inviting us. See you next time.
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Glad you liked the pizza. Hope you liked the wine too. Tuition at Penn State.
Sure did. The wine was great as usual. We always have fun hanging out there. Great views, fun people, and great wine and food.