I think this will be a regular series because, you know, humans provide endless amounts of material.
This story revolves around a lady that stood in a parking space in downtown Paso Robles to save it for a guy that came back around…I’m assuming boyfriend or husband. This lady was at least in her 50’s if not 60’s. She stood in the space for roughly 4 to 5 minutes waiting for this dude. In that time she actually got lucky that only one person tried to park there.
As the car approached to try and take the spot the lady basically shook her finger at them. After one or two attempts to get her to move the car just took off. Once her guy parked and got out she put something away into the car and they both walked on down the street. There seemed to be nothing physically wrong with either of these individuals.
Bottom line, it’s illegal to use your physical body to save a parking space. Beyond that, who do you think you are? Are you better than everyone else? Do you live under a different legal or moral code than the rest of us? Next time, get your ass out of the way and let the vehicles figure it out for themselves. You aren’t above the law.
We all have pet peeves? What are some of yours?
Most of the time I laugh at the people I see doing this. But you made a good point. She can’t claim that spot. And, if the car(s) really wanted to get mean, they could have lightly pushed her. Especially in downtown Paso when many times, spots are a premium.
Haha…true story!
Careful with that one. I worked with a doctoral student who had a parking altercation. He and a woman were arguing over a spot and she jumped on his car. He decided it wasn’t worth it and started to drive off. By that time, security and the police were there. He was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. He ended up with 500 hours of community service and then she brought up a civil suit against him (I never heard how that ended up). This poor guy was a respected member of his community, an Assistant Principal at a local school (he lost his job after that), and a well liked and respected doctoral student (in Education). Thankfully, he was allowed to stay in the program and graduated with his Ed.D., so he at least had THAT!
Wow, that’s wild. people rage over the silliest things. It just bugs me when, for whatever reason, one person thinks they are more important than the rest.
What about big corporations? Justin and their parent companies Fiji Water and the Wonder Company have made a mess here in Paso Robles. I don’t see any solution except to hound them until they leave SLO County. You have posted a lot of positive articles about Justin in the past. How about balancing the scales and telling it like it is?
Mark, not sure that I have posted “a lot” of positive articles in the past. 1000’s of people have said positive things about Justin in the past. On one hand, you do not know what I am or am not doing about the Justin situation. Petitions. Boycotting. Etc. That said, I have been putting something together regarding the issue but have not finished it. Part of the goal is to have all of the facts rather than to just come out and call them assholes. My thought is that it seems much of what they did was legal (although something about grading and the reservoir not being legal) BUT was it moral? In my opinion, no, it was not moral. Trust me, I’m on the issue and have been following it closely so I can gather facts and put my own opinion to it.
Do you REALLY want to know what some of my pet peeves are? Lol!
LOL…I don’t know. You have me a bit scared now.
People who set up a tent in the best camp site in the whole place (nothing else, just a tent), then leave and don’t come back until the weekend. Rude!
It’s been a long time since I’ve camped but I remember people doing that too. So annoying. Another situation where they think they are better than the rest.
Can someone really put up a tent in a hotel without room service??
Haven’t tried that one! LOL