Well, it’s that time of year again…already. I’m not sure how the year flies by so fast but here we are. Thanksgiving for Paso Robles. Have you heard of it? Here’s a blurb from their website about them:
“A celebration of thanks serving over 1000 men, women and children a traditional Thanksgiving meal at no cost. A true expression of community that brings diverse people together to share the day with others. All made possible through the generosity of caring individuals, students, organizations, churches and businesses.”
If I’m not mistaken they typically get enough volunteers but please, by all means contact them to find that out for sure. If you can’t volunteer or if they have enough volunteers, please consider donating to this amazing event that brings this community together every year.
We need each other. We’re all in this together. Our time here is finite and I think we need to spend more of our time thinking about that rather than all of the nonsense out there.
You can visit their website here https://www.thanksgivingforpasorobles.com/ or call them at 805-239-4137 or email them at Tg4Paso@gmail.com. Also, be sure to follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can get their social media contacts on the very bottom of their website above. And finally, you can send checks to:
Thanksgiving for Paso Robles
P.O. Box 662
Paso Robles, CA 93447
Thank you to the folks behind Thanksgiving for Paso Robles along with all of the volunteers and financial donors. We are a community, let’s give back and come together any way we can.

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