Howdy folks. News of the the conerts in the park being moved from Friday to Thursday has been spreading pretty well but I wanted to mention it here on our blog as well as another reminder. I’d hate to see you miss Thursday concerts and show up on Friday only to sit lonely and devastated in the park. Here’s a link to the story in the San Luis Obispo Tribune.
When I first heard about this I must say I was opposed to the change. After reading a bit about why they made the change I am in full agreement with it. What are your thoughts?
Diane Smith says
Like you, I was a bit disappointed when I first read about the change because it will keep out-of-towners from attending, for the most part anyway. The truth is that it may help our downtown merchants out to change the night to Thursday and our concerts start & end early. So it shouldn’t be too bad for school kids to be taken home and put to bed afterwards. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out and if they decide to make the change a permanent one. ^_^
Matt (a.k.a. Hoot) says
Yes indeed, Diane. I think it will bring more revenue because you’re adding a “new day” of activity. I mean, Friday is already a day where people go out to dinner, go to the movies, etc…so adding Thursday in will be good. Now, it will really all come down to the people…whether they show up on Thursday or not and I think they will but time will tell.
Janet says
Templeton has had their concerts in the parks on Wednesday’s forever and it’s always well attended. And I agree that changing it to Thursday’s will bring revenue to the downtown on a day that was normally not so busy.
Matt (a.k.a. Hoot) says
Yes indeed, Janet. I look forward to seeing how this goes in Paso. I think Templeton has been smart putting it mid week.
Tracy D says
I think it makes sense to move them to Thursdays after hearing from the downtown merchants how it negatively impacts them on Fridays. I’ll still go on Thursdays, in fact, I may go more! Hopefully it works out well for everyone!
Matt (a.k.a. Hoot) says
Tracy, yep, I agree. At first I didn’t but after hearing from downtown businesses I thought it was a good move.