It’s hard to believe that this year will be the 17th annual Paso Robles Rotary Winemakers’ Cookoff. On August 15 these wineries and breweries will converge on the Paso Robles Event Center to delight your palate and bribe you for votes…because winning is pretty badass.
Annie and I have been to this event many times and have never left disappointed, hungry, or lacking fun. Paso Robles Rotary truly puts together a fantastic community event all for a great cause. This is one thing we’re noticing more and more, wine and food events that focus on a cause. Two of my favorite things, helping people and having fun. Combining the two seems like the perfect recipe.
Speaking of recipes…the food at this event has been absolutely incredible. In fact, Annie has walked away every time with new inspiration and foodie ideas. The winemakers do an incredible job. Some of the wineries go all out and create a big theme and even dress up…like Halloween in August.
I will also warn you about the bribing and “special treats”. Use your negotiating skills and be sure to find all the “secret sauce” that some wineries will have. That’s half the fun. These wineries are there to have fun, sure, BUT they really want to win one of the awards for their creations. Hence the bribing for tickets.
You can check out one of the below links to other blog posts I’ve written about the event. If you’re interested in getting tickets, which I hope you are considering, you can check this link. Get out there, have some fun and support Paso Robles Rotary!
Scott Brennan says
I attend a lot of wine tasting events. This is my favorite to attend and to work as a volunteer. It’s an awesome party!
matt says
It’s most definitely a winner, Scott!
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