If you don’t know anything about must! Charities you really should check them out and get involved any way you can. If you haven’t heard of Tablas Creek Vineyard and tried their wines you are truly missing out.
With that information out of the way, Tablas Creek Vineyard recently donated another large amount of money to must! charities which brings the grand total of money donated over $30,000. Read the following press release for more info. Good job Tablas Creek and thanks to must! Charities for all the wonderful things they are doing in our community.
January 8, 2015
Paso Robles, CA
Tablas Creek Vineyard’s General Manager and Partner, Jason Haas presented a $7,206 donation to must! Charities on Tuesday, January 5h.
Every year Tablas Creek Vineyard contributes to must! charities through a fundraising event: December Must! Month; we donate $1 for every bottle sold throughout the month. Over the last several years, Tablas Creek Vineyard has infused over $30,000 directly into our community through must! charities project collaborators.
“It’s an honor to be able to support must! charities, an organization that supports such great causes in our community, and to see so many of those causes represented here today. Working with must! allows us to have confidence that our donation is making a lasting difference in our community, and that the money we donate is being used efficiently and collectively. We’re proud to be a partner” – Jason Haas, Partner and General Manager of Tablas Creek Vineyard
“The partnership with must! charities is a dream come true for CASA of SLO County. We will be able to substantially increase the number of children served in the north county. We are grateful for the generous support Tablas Creek has provided to must! charities; their commitment to the local community is most impressive”. Tom Dobyns, Board President, CASA of San Luis Obispo County
Tablas Creek Vineyard, founded in the limestone-rich hills of Paso Robles’ Adelaida District by the Perrin family of Chateau de Beaucastel and Robert Haas of Vineyard Brands, is dedicated to organically farmed wines from grape varieties traditional to France’s Rhone Valley.
Lauren Phelps, Marketing Coordinator, Tablas Creek Vineyard, lauren@tablascreek.com
Becky Gray, Executive Director, must! charities, becky@mustcharities.org
足跡を踏破する世界のティソは、1853年、タブ要衝スイス力ロック正式の誕生以来、地域の限界を越えて、まぜる優良な伝統と革新のインスピレーション、ブランドの時計を持ってすばらし says
[url=http://www.eevance.com/tokei/hermes]足跡を踏破する世界のティソは、1853年、タブ要衝スイス力ロック正式の誕生以来、地域の限界を越えて、まぜる優良な伝統と革新のインスピレーション、ブランドの時計を持ってすばらしい作品世界各地まで。2013年に創立160週年を祝ってティソその旅行者精神を分かち合うことは、発売を表示することができる世界24時間のタイムゾーンHeritage Navigator 160週年記念愛蔵版経典世界時間自動時計のほか、特別に開催された「160年环宇漫遊」の計招待試合切手、各界の人々に「旅」をテーマに、創作の切手設計、その小さなに切手をティソ連れの旅行者の精神世界の隅々まで。ブランドコピー時計今回は設計試合に誘われてグロリア-イップさんを判定するほかに、彼女はよりと他の2人審判団メンバー――有名なグラフィックデザイナー余孝扬さんやスイスティソグローバル黄暁明さんと一緒に参加しまし大使切手設計とともに、試合の冠、亜や3位作品と一緒に作った真実のご利用をスイス印ティソ「160年环宇漫遊記念切手」シリーズの証人として、歴史時刻。[/url]
のボールは本質的に時間と日/日付を合併した腕時計です。ボールは、スイスのイータ2836自動運動の修正版を使用しています。ボールによれば、運動の彼らの衝撃保護システムが与えられま says