When I thought about food in Creston I only knew about the Loading Chute. We’ve been there several times and always enjoyed it. That said, I recently saw someone on Facebook mention a spot called Longbranch Saloon. So, as Annie and I like to do, we wanted to check out the … [Read more...]
Where to Eat: Cubanissimo Food Truck
Although the Cubanissimo Food Truck has been around for a bit we hadn’t yet had the opportunity to check them out. Luckily, on a recent visit to Tin City Cider, they were there ready to start slinging food and we were ready to eat. Before we get to the food, here’s a little info … [Read more...]
Cooking with Annie: Elk Chili
We were recently, and very generously given some elk meat. A little background here, we’ve been making a conscious effort to eat “real” food from good sources, and that includes wild game from friends! It includes a lot of other things, but we’ll go into that another time. If … [Read more...]
Cooking with Annie: Christmas Shortbread Recipe – Better Late than Never!!!
I could come up with all kinds of excuses about why I didn't get this out before Christmas for your baking pleasure, but I'll just cut to the chase; I lagged. So, in all its glory, here's my family recipe for good old fashioned Scottish Shortbread Cookies. We've been baking and … [Read more...]
Flavors of Seen and Heard
This was an event we went to in October that was all about the women’s movement and highlighting women in general but a handful specifically. Rather than me give the low down on who was there, check out this short blurb that was on the Studios website: “Studios on the Park … [Read more...]
Cooking with Annie: Amazing Smoked Salsa
Okay, you guys...this salsa is GOOOOD!!! Not that I'm patting myself on the back, but I think I may have killed it this time! I've been making salsa for a long time, and have made some really good stuff, and some not-so-great stuff, but I'm chalking this up as one of the absolute … [Read more...]
Taste of the Grove
Taste of the Grove took place on Friday, September 8th and is part of the Morro Bay Avocado & Margarita Festival that took place on Saturday, September 9th. This was the 2nd annual Taste of the Grove (and the 11th Avo & Marg Fest but we only did Taste of the Grove) held … [Read more...]
Tacos and Rosé
These may be the only two perfect things in the world. They both pair well with everything and, when done correctly, are absolutely delicious. I will let Annie cover how and what she did regarding the taco meat and all that. As for the Rosé wines that were brought over, you can … [Read more...]
Arroyo Robles Winery and Miss Oddette’s Creole Kitchen
We were in downtown Paso Robles, as we are so often, and stopped in to see our friends at Arroyo Robles Winery. It was good to catch up with them and of course, to have a glass of wine. Turns out they’ve got some fun new stuff they’re doing. … [Read more...]
Refugio Paso Robles: Paella Night
The title for this cooking night at Refugio was actually, "Two Girls, Two Grills, and Two Paellas". The two girls were Ali Rush Carscaden from 15C Wine Shop in Templeton and Brigit Binns from…you guessed it, Refugio Kitchen! … [Read more...]