This whole baby gear thing is new to us. Not sure if you’ve looked at, bought, thought about, or even passed near by any baby gear lately, but let me tell you…there’s a MILLION different options! Being the non-shopping types, neither of us do well with more than about 3 options. From what stroller to get, to which teddy bear is better, we need help!
All the Shiny Baby Gear!!!
Recommendations, suggestions, opinions, and comments from the peanut gallery are all welcome, and here’s just a few things we’re trying to decide on:
– Car seat – what’s safest, what’s coolest, what’s easiest to carry, do you get the one for infants, or the one that converts from infant to toddler to 5 year old???
– Stroller – we know we want a jogger stroller, but do they work for infants, do we need to get a special stroller that the car seat clicks into, do we get one for each stage???
– Diapers – people keep telling us to stock up on diapers, but how do we know what brand/size/fit/color/disposable/cloth/blah/blah/blah to get, and do we really fill a spare bedroom with diapers before he even gets here???
– Baby Carrier – we want a frontpack/backpack kind of rig, but do you get the hippie sling kind or the strap kind, the fabric one, the one that stands up on its own, or the bjorn dealie???
– Bouncy Seat – do we need one, are they safe, are they necessary, is a swing better???
– Registry – do we sign up for all this stuff, and if so, where??? Target, Babies ‘R Us, Amazon???
– Any other stuff – what works best for bathing, bottle-feeding, pumping, sleeping, soothing, entertaining, teething, swaddling, or just plain relaxing new parents and new baby???
Please, give us your suggestions on all this baby gear so we can do what we do best: make lists and check things off, the way that any OCD couple expecting a new baby should do! We’re open, we’re flexible, and we’re also filling Little Browne’s dance card with willing babysitters, so go for it!
@AnnieBrowne you don’t need as much baby gear as people would have you believe. Keep it simple. #wishIhadknown
@stateofcake Thank you, Wendi! We’re going to do our best to keep it simple, for sure! We’ll keep you updated…more gear is not better! 😉
@AnnieBrowne Oh- two quick tips… make sure your stroller will fit in the car and a baby swing is the best invention since foie gras.
@stateofcake Perfect, thanks!–>quick tips: make sure ur stroller will fit in the car & a baby swing is the best invention since foie gras.
We just got the crowning glory of both car (which we dont own) and stroller.
The maxi-cosi. It’s for infants, and we’ve got another car-seat for 18 kg+ for later.
As for stroller, we’ve got a buggabo, 2-in-1, where the maxi-cosi also attaches on. So Beta can lay very safe and snug in the beginning, then as he’s a bit bigger and less fragile he can sit for shopping and lay down and sleep for long strolls.
I think most cost efficient is a 2-in-1 or 3-in1, that way you dont have to buy a totally new one for everything.
Diapers, get the newborn model, and the next size. You wont know until you meet your baby what size it needs, and when baby grows, so does the diapers. The sizing is “standard” by weight, but bums are different, so it’s trial and error.
Baby carrier I haven’t started worrying about yet. I figure Beta needs to be able to hold his head up before we can start using it anyway, so when that day comes I’ll take baby to town, and try before I buy.
Bouncy seat, yes, got one. It’s one that can be adjusted from laying down to sitting. Again, head holding issue. He can’t hold his head up the first couple of weeks, so he can’t have a bouncy chair that requires him to do so. Adjustable it is, so baby doesn’t need to be held *all* the time, or lay in his crib.
Registry, I wouldn’t go there. Make a list of what you want, and let people decide where to buy it. Prices will differ a lot from place to place, and with the economy the way it is, you’re more likely to get what you want if people can find a nicer bargain.
For the rest of the stuff, get a tub with a drain in it is the advice I got from my bff.
A close-able diaper bucket (you’re looking at 10+ diapers a day for a standard baby and running out to the bin every time is not handy.
Soft towels for the baby, try to wash them a few times before it arrives to make them nicer for the skin.
3 sets of sheets (at least), one in the wash, one in the bed, and one extra. Putting a soft blanket under the head to catch drool and such makes for less cleaning of the sheets as well.
Oh and two hot water bottles, to keep baby warm, rather than blankets is something I’ve been told by various midwives and friends as well.
I think I’ve spent about 400 euros on furniture and the rest in total. I had a lot of mine and my brothers old baby clothes as well, so that was easier.
I figure we’re set for the first 3 months, and from there I’ll see what Beta needs over time. It’s more financially responsible for us as well, rather than buying everything I can think of months ahead of time.
I didn’t mention breast-pumps and bottles since we haven’t gotten them. It’s something we’ll pick up on the spot if it’s needed but for now I am hoping breast feeding will go smoothly. I don’t think I could do without the connection it creates.
@Nata Lee Thank you so much, Nata Lee!!! I’ll look into the maxi-cosi and see it that looks like it will work for us. I like the idea of using the convertible kinds of things that will go through a couple of stages instead of a new set of gear each time he outgrows! I completely agree with the breastfeeding connecting, and I look forward to getting into that routine. I guess there’s not a huge hurry on all the bouncy seat/carrier stuff, as you point out the bobble-head issue! He won’t be running laps around the house just yet so we can see what works along the way. Again, thank you for all the great suggestions…and congratulations to you!!!!!
Yes, keep it simple. Do not buy every flash, shiny thing that comes along. This is more of a phone call than a comment on a blog type of thing, but I’ll do my best 🙂
This site is a good resource:
1. Car seats. I prefer the infant carriers/car seats for when they’re really little. I didn’t do this until our 4th child, and I wish I’d done it much earlier. They just plain fit better in there when they’re really little. We have always liked Britax car seats a lot. I think there are newer, shinier recommendations out there now, but I still think a Britax is a safe bet. That being said, I only buy a Britax for when they’re a bit bigger. For the infant carrier, I always just looked at this year’s list of what is considered safest. If you’re going to skimp somewhere, DON’T skimp on a car seat. And no used ones, either. Car seats actually have an expiration date.
2. Strollers. These can come in handy. What’s “best” depends largely on your lifestyle. The best strollers for malls are not the best strollers for hiking. For when they’re little, I like one that goes with the infant carrier (see above). Don’t compromise on the infant car seat for the sake of using it with a stroller, but there should be plenty that are good for both. An umbrella stroller is great but pretty much useless until they’re close to a year old. My friends who practice baby wearing never even use a stroller. I’m not sure about jogging strollers, but this site looks like a good resource:
3. Diapers. This totally depends. Do you want to use disposable or cloth? This is a decision only you can make. You can use both. There are now cloth diapers that are MUCH easier to use. There are also some environmentally friendly disposable options (though they are quite expensive). As for size, no more than one package of newborn diapers and save the receipt for those. None of my children have ever been able to wear a newborn diaper more than a few days, if at all. They have all started with size 1 diapers, with the exception of one who practically started out in size 2 diapers. The best brand depends on the child. Huggies have always made my kids break out. We have always liked Luvs until the most recent baby. Suddenly, they leaked all the time. We settled on Pampers or store brands after that – several of the store brands now have slightly more environmentally friendly options.
4. Find a store near you that offers classes on baby wearing. Try on lots of different brands/types with someone there who can help you try them on correctly. There is no right one. Different people will swear by different methods/brands, but it’s very much a personal preference. Here, I looked one up for you: Go there. Locally owned. They support baby wearing. They’ll be able to help you pick the right one. They also support cloth diapering, so you can look at some different types, and the owner looks excited to talk on that topic. Go in and ask. You’ll know more than you ever wanted to know, I’m sure 🙂
5. Bouncy seat or swing depends on the child. Not typically used for tiny newborns. This is something I’d borrow or get from a second hand store,until you find what works for your child. However, you NEED a comfortable rocking chair in your house. Need one. Must have.
6. Registering some place with a national registry (Babies R Us or Target) allows those far away to help out. You don’t have to register for everything under the sun, but it does help to not get 50 baby blankets.
7. Feeding supplies will depend on whether you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding, obviously. You’ve got probably 6 months to worry about teething, buy Hyland’s teething tablets really do help. This is the best resource I know for babies and sleep:
I could go on, but I have to get back to other things 🙂 Seriously, if you ever want a phone call/brain dump, I’d be happy to do that.
@JillKroppManty you are the BEST!!! Those are some awesome suggestions, and thank you for all the great links!!! Love the idea of buying local, so we’ll definitely get into Kahuna Kids soon to chat with them about options. I think we’ll start out slow and see how we do with all this stuff. I agree on the statement about not buying every shiny thing that comes along…feels like there’s a lot of new-fangled stuff out there that could distract a lot of parents. I’m working on the assumption that simple and easy is the best way to go!!! Again, thank YOU, and we just might hit you up for a phone call one of these days. Have a good one!!!
Do it your way – as you have been! There may be things you want that others think aren’t worth having, and there may end up being things you own that you never use because they just don’t work for Little. Babies are not black & white. Most moms of multiple kids will tell you that what worked for one, won’t work for the next.
Car seat – don’t try to save money here – obviously a huge safety factor.
Stroller – eventually an umbrella stroller will be nice – just for the fact that it’s easier to work with on a regular basis and for quick outings. With your active lifestyle, I would definitely suggest a good jogging (or as I like to call them “four wheeling” stroller.
Diapers – decide which way you want to go and if it’s disposable – stock up! Hard to judge sizing, but I’d say less newborn and more of the next couple sizes.
Baby carrier – I never had one, but again, with your active lifestyle it may come in handy.
Bouncy seat/swing – both are great, but it will depend on what Little prefers, bouncing or swinging!
Registry – I say register at a couple places. What I’ve done with recent registry gift purchases is print out the registry and then shop around to see if I can find a better deal…if not, I buy where the registry was created so that others can see what things were pruchased.
Bathing – the cute little bathtubs things they have out that fit in the sink are great for the first little while…
Feeding – breastfed and went to bottles as soon as she got her first tooth (not risking injury!). I never did pump, so no idea, but I will check in with some friends that have pumped and see what they recommend.
Sleeping – SLEEP WHILE HE SLEEPS! At least as often as you can…sometimes it’s hard when there are chores to be done, but really try to nap when he does.
Entertaining – I’m sure Matt can handle this one…lol. But seriously, baby CD’s, stuffed animals with soothing noises, etc.
Teething – buy teething rings and freeze them.
You guys will do great! Love you 3!
@HeatherBrowneDearborn Thank you Auntie Heather! You’re awesome!!! So, as for the car seat, I’m looking for a titanium enclosed capsule with 5-point harness and bubble wrap everywhere! Hehehe, just kidding, but we’ll definitely go for the safety option here! Working through all the other options here…so much to choose from. I think we need to get our butts down to a baby store and start touching and feeling things to see what feels right. You’ll just have to get out here and help us out!!! We love you, too! LB says hi!!! xoxo
There have been many times where a titanium enclosed capsule with 5-point harness and bubble wrap would have been great for Carissa – you’ll be wanting that again when he starts driving! I agree with the idea of visiting a baby store. You didn’t even touch on high chairs, etc. But of course, that will come later as well. I know you guys can handle this! Go visit local stores and then comparison shop in bigger stores, I know you will find exactly what you need!
Belly rub and tell LB I said hi back! : )
@HeatherBrowneDearborn Let’s not even start talking about when he starts driving! Holy crap!!! We’re excited about all of this, and I’m sure we’ll do fine…just need to dive in and start making some decisions with the help of all you cool people!!! 🙂
My advise, being a grandmother, who has not bought baby gear in quite a few years, is to go to
Consumer Reports and look up the items you are thinking of purchasing. You will be the
best information from them.
@Keep it simple That seems like a great idea too!! Annie and I want to keep it simple and not get buried in stuff we don’t need. Thanks!!
My best advise is to go the Consumer Reports and look up what you need and then decide what to buy.
@joycecherrier Thnx Joyce, u rock. Fun times in pre-baby land!! lol @AnnieBrowne #parenting #Babies #BabyGear
@joycecherrier Awesome, thanks for the RT, Joyce! Have a great day! 🙂 on our #parenting blog #Babies @MatthewLiberty
Just buy things you need now. You can always go out and add when needed.
@Keep it simple So true…I think some people get worried and rush out and buy too much. Thanks again!!
@duncanpaisley Thanks for that RT, Duncan! You’re such a great support!!! –>Baby Gear; Seriously, We Need Some Help!!!
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