I love being pregnant. It's an absolutely incredible and amazing experience that I really have no words to explain how it affects me. Sure, there are uncomfortable, strange, and downright unpleasant things about it, but seriously, how cool is it that with the help of my awesome … [Read more...]
Baby Myths: Some of the Best Ones, Dispelled!
We came across this article recently on Parents.com and thought it was worth talking about. It's all about dispelling some of the myths in old school baby advice. You know the deal, everybody and their mother (literally) has some tidbit that they NEED to tell you about how it's … [Read more...]
Our Best Pregnancy Questions and Comments
We love to socialize, and since we've been pregnant, that hasn't changed much! Well, except the part where I can't drink, but other than that we still get out and about quite a bit. As you might expect, the topic of conversation is often anything to do with pregnancy/baby/birth, … [Read more...]
Baby Gear; Seriously, We Need Some Help!!!
This whole baby gear thing is new to us. Not sure if you've looked at, bought, thought about, or even passed near by any baby gear lately, but let me tell you...there's a MILLION different options! Being the non-shopping types, neither of us do well with more than about 3 … [Read more...]
Buck the Labeling System, and Maybe I Didn’t Say “Buck”…
I am pregnant. I am 40 years old. I am obviously a female. These are some of my more recent labels (except the female part, that's always been there). Being 40 and 5ish months pregnant means that this is a pretty new label for me...and the 40 part is about 6 months new, … [Read more...]
On the Inside; Little Browne’s Beat
I wrote this about 3 months back...when we'd just gotten the fetal heart monitor in the mail. After our miscarriage experience, we wanted to be able to listen to the baby at home, and get that reassured feeling now and then. Without any outward signs of being pregnant, it can be … [Read more...]
This Pregnant Stuff is a Trip!
It's so surreal, this pregnant/baby thing. You do the right stuff at the right time of the month, wait a couple of weeks, pee on a stick and BAM! You're pregnant! Then what? I'll tell you then what…you wait! That's right, you sit tight and wait. Well, all the other stuff too, no … [Read more...]
Pregnant People; Do They Actually Exercise?
I've come to arrive at a bit of a dilemma; pregnant and wanting to exercise. Why is this a dilemma, you ask? Well, there seem to be a lot of variables at work here… - I like to get my exercise by doing what's called "Crossfit". It's a combination of Olympic weight lifting, … [Read more...]
Is it a Boy or a Girl? It’s a…
…well, before I answer I have to say that originally we were hoping for a boy but then we quickly focused on health and the importance of that. We’ve had our reasons for wanting a boy but at the end of the day none of those reasons matter. The single most important thing is love … [Read more...]
Flashback: Pregnant, Here We Go Again…
Since we found out I was pregnant in January, I've been writing down my thoughts about the whole thing along the way. I wanted to share these thoughts with you, even though they're a little out of order...we're going back in time! As of today, we're just past 17 weeks, but I … [Read more...]