When Sammy was 4 to 6 months old we did two road trips. One to Monterey and the other to Palm Springs. He is now 16.5 months old and we had done no traveling with him since those two road trips until last week. … [Read more...]
15 Month Check-Up
We went in today for Sammyâ??s 15 month check-up and all is good. The doctor said that physically he is doing quite well. Sammy physically reacts and responds to things normally, his lungs and heart sound great, and so on. He did say that Sammy was more social than kids his age … [Read more...]
I think our life is a canvasâ?¦or maybe itâ??s a toolboxâ?¦or something similar. From day one we are adding things to that canvas or to that toolbox. Things like memories (good and bad), people, education, books, trees, mountains, rainbows and every little thing we encounter … [Read more...]
Sammy’s Second Christmas & Some Thoughts
Last year Sammy was about 2 ½ months old at Christmas and, I will speak for myself, I was still kind of in the â??new parent fogâ?. Donâ??t get me wrong, I remember much of what went down and have great memories of decorating the house last year and carrying Sammy around to … [Read more...]
The Wisdom of Seuss
Dr. Seuss is the smartest dude ever. If more of us would live our lives according to him the world would be much better off. I've included some of my favorite examples of the genius for your enjoyment. … [Read more...]
Will We Ever Be Truly In The Moment?
This past Tuesday a lifelong family friend of Annieâ??s family died at 63 years old of an unexpected heart attack. I actually first heard about it on the local news and I was momentarily stunnedâ?¦the kind of stunned where you literally have zero reaction. You donâ??t cry or … [Read more...]
Sammy’s Second Thanksgiving
What a difference a year makes. Last Thanksgiving Annie and I were still in the â??just had a babyâ? coma and Sammy was a very unimpressed little mass of weirdness. He was only about a month and a half old at the time of turkey day 2012 and I think there was just a general … [Read more...]
First Night Away From Baby
When is the right time to do your first night away from your child? Who really knows, but due to circumstance and how busy our life seems to be, we did our first overnight away from Sammy when he was 13 months old. I think we all would have been fine doing it sooner but as I … [Read more...]
Nicknames: What’s In a Name?
As you probably know, Little Browne's real name is Samuel. Samuel Liberty, in fact. The middle name Liberty has been in the family since 1776, so we thought we'd honor tradition and carry it on, but that's another story. This story is about my curiosity around names and … [Read more...]
Managing Claustrophobia as a Parent
The definition of claustrophobia as given by a Google search: extreme or irrational fear of confined places. Yepâ?¦that. … [Read more...]