I am pregnant. I am 40 years old. I am obviously a female. These are some of my more recent labels (except the female part, that's always been there). Being 40 and 5ish months pregnant means that this is a pretty new label for me...and the 40 part is about 6 months new, … [Read more...]
I Think My Son Gave Me a High-Five!
That may not sound like an odd statement but it is when you find out that my boy is still in the warm little womb of my wife. So I realize it probably wasn’t a high five but I can dream can’t I? My wife will be 23 weeks along this coming Saturday and last night was the first time … [Read more...]
On the Inside; Little Browne’s Beat
I wrote this about 3 months back...when we'd just gotten the fetal heart monitor in the mail. After our miscarriage experience, we wanted to be able to listen to the baby at home, and get that reassured feeling now and then. Without any outward signs of being pregnant, it can be … [Read more...]
You Know What Stinks?
It’s not dirty diapers since we aren’t dealing with that yet…it’s waiting! And you know what else stinks…”waiting” to find out what the likelihood of our son having Down Syndrome is. … [Read more...]
This Pregnant Stuff is a Trip!
It's so surreal, this pregnant/baby thing. You do the right stuff at the right time of the month, wait a couple of weeks, pee on a stick and BAM! You're pregnant! Then what? I'll tell you then what…you wait! That's right, you sit tight and wait. Well, all the other stuff too, no … [Read more...]
Pregnant People; Do They Actually Exercise?
I've come to arrive at a bit of a dilemma; pregnant and wanting to exercise. Why is this a dilemma, you ask? Well, there seem to be a lot of variables at work here… - I like to get my exercise by doing what's called "Crossfit". It's a combination of Olympic weight lifting, … [Read more...]
Birth Defect Screening, Amniocentesis, and Other Thoughts
Friday, 5-25-12, we went up to Salinas and met with a genetic counselor to go over the previous screening blood tests in regards to Little Browne and the possibilities of Down Syndrome. The counselor showed us 5 different numbers or so, in which only one was considerably higher … [Read more...]
Amniocentesis – The Process of Pregnancy
Today we are scheduled to have an amniocentesis done to specifically see if Little Browne has Down Syndrome. This is something they worry more about in women that are 35 and older so we knew it going in, but it’s still slightly stressful. There is a slight chance Annie won’t have … [Read more...]
A Father To Be: Where is the Connection?
I’m sure it’s different for each father to be but I’m often curious about when the connection to little unborn tiny baby starts for the proud papa. In my current experience, I feel like I have this connection but I can’t imagine it’s anything like what Annie is feeling and … [Read more...]
Is it a Boy or a Girl? It’s a…
…well, before I answer I have to say that originally we were hoping for a boy but then we quickly focused on health and the importance of that. We’ve had our reasons for wanting a boy but at the end of the day none of those reasons matter. The single most important thing is love … [Read more...]