Social media/ networking is amazing. I love it and I love the possibilities it gives us for personal branding as well as branding your business and being interactive with your customers and potential customers. We’ve all read a ton of articles about what social media is and what it can be used for but one thing I don’t hear very often is what social media is and can teach us.
The fundamental idea of social media is being more transparent (business to consumer and people to people) as well as accessible (this is mainly for a business, being accessible to its consumers). I firmly believe social media is teaching us how to interact with human beings. Think about it. Transparency/ honesty…that’s immensely important in life especially if you are someone with values and morals.
In a sense, this new technology (that is changing everyday right now) is taking us back decades ago when a person’s word and a hand shake were golden (don’t rely on this because there are still some dirt bags out there). Honesty, accessibility, accountability, and being, amazing. But this is what social media is at its core (again, you do have your dirt bags but these are some fundamental ideas behind social media). So even if you don’t use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, or blogs; you can apply these core principles to your life and I guarantee you’ll be living a better life.
Marketing/ advertising is changing. Media is changing. Technology and how you perform tasks are changing. Don’t miss the bus, hop on, it isn’t scary. Leave me a comment if you still aren’t involved as much as you’d like, I’d be more than happy to help.
Hi Matt,
I am managing our social media here at Sunset Meadow Vineyards in CT and would appreciate any articles, info, or tips you can give me as a “novice”
Judy, I would love to help. There are some great websites out there with articles, etc. If you want to email me direct at we can talk more specifically. I’d lie to know what social media sites you’re using, etc. to help more directly. Thanks Judy!!