I have to say, I appreciate being informed and staying up to date on current events; but things seem a bit out of control. It seems that the news channels, as well as websites/ blogs, are spending time now trying to guess what will happen tomorrow by over analyzing every single possible outcome of an event. They break down body language in people, tone of voice, what they were wearing in an interview; and how those things are going to be so horrible or great for us.
What created this? Is there that much news out there? Is it because of cable news and internet sites? I imagine it’s probably a combonation od these and more. I think we live in a society where information, and having that information first, has value. In turn, media, news groups, etc.; are molesting and manipulating information constantly in the attempt to have the scoop, the breaking news. I don’t believe it’s a bad thing, I just think we really need to filter how much information we take in and what we believe.
So beware and thoughtful about what you’re listening too, and remember, turn it off from time to time and enjoy the quiet.
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