Do you ever enter the world of social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogs) and feel like you read all the same sh!t yesterday? It’s like we’re hanging out with Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, reliving the same articles, posts, and comments day after boring day. Here’s how you do social media, use these tools, engage, ROI…ahhhh. Why is that?
One reason is that these things are on 24 hours a day so the messages get repeated, shared, and retweeted constantly. The other reason is that everybody is talking about the same crap. If Chris Brogan or Seth Godin write an article about this new thing or idea you can bet that over the course of the next few weeks and months others will take these and change a few words around to repost on their own blogs, etc.
This isn’t a huge pet peeve of mine because these systems were built to be redundant, so I understand, but when you feel like you’ve heard every story that day…it might be time to turn it off.
I found myself in this very conversation today and the value of writing posts when you observe something through your participation in the stream. Just as you, Matt, have written about a dynamic that we need to be conscious of, it inspires me to be more open about sharing what I find does and doesn’t have value to me…
As for the topic of your actual post, I have had days when there was really nothing new. I also have reactions when the same post is recirculated too many times… I don’t know what the magic number is, but I sure would like to see people creating original dialogue with me that is so compelling, that I feel truly motivated to explore their site on my own initiative. Thank you!
I couldn’t agree more, I guess the frustrating part is when people just “re-write” what other people are posting about. I’m sure we all do it at some point but so many simply repeat what has already been said. I appreciate your thoughts on that, and good to know I’m not alone. See you in the stream!!!