I reserve the right to change or alter my views at any time when approached with new ideas or tools that could impact my current views. As of publishing this post these are my thoughts.
If you are a company and only one person is using the handle, you should use the company name. If you have more than one person using the handle you either need to use the company name and train the users to be consistent and communicative with one another on how they are using the handle, or give each user their own handle with the company name in it. (example: AppleSarah AppleDan AppleJoe, etc.). If you are using Twitter simply as a person, not a company, I prefer when people use their name, it comes across more personal, whereas @ERT3453 does not.
I will cover avatars while I am at it, if you are a company I can see using the logo or whatever, but any possible situation where it is ok to have a picture of the person using the handle, that is ideal. The purpose is to be social, so it’s hard to be social with a logo or a picture of your cat…just saying!
UPDATE: I probably should have said a few more things about avatars. Regarding the default avi’s, DON’T USE THEM! Regarding the avi’s where guys have their shirts off or chicks are damn near nude….um, that ain’t really you; stop doing that crap. Thank you for your attention, that is all.
Just a few random thoughts today. If you disagree I’d love to hear your opinions.
Someone followed me today that appeared to be legit, but their avatar was the default egg. C’mon! I didn’t follow back.
I tweet with a contractor we use. Sometimes it’s the clerical staff, sometimes it’s the operations staff. Confusing.
Good points.
I just added to the post, but that default avi bugs too…geez. Very good points Sandra and thank ya much for the comment!! Cheers!!