Another new chapter, it’s a new day (Tuesday to be exact) and it’s the start of a new month (February). I’m also using today to put some new (maybe not new, but trying to re-commit to some things) thoughts out there into the world, because that’s one thing I have learned, is that our thoughts and ideas are better out there, then in here. When they’re out there, others can be inspired or motivated by them, others can learn, but most importantly, other thoughts and ideas can be mixed with yours to make even bigger thoughts and ideas while you learn too.
There is nothing I want more than to impact people in a positive, move forward, motivate kind of way. But I also know that for this to come to fruition it takes a lot of effort on my part. It’s constantly reminding myself that every word spoken and action taken are vitally important. It’s also great to remember that every “thing” I (you) put out there in the world will lead to one of two things, action or reaction, from others.
There is more power in holding a hand than a fist. There is more power in a smile than a grimace. There is more power in a positive word than a negative one. There is more power in collaborating than flying solo. There is more power in building up instead of tearing down. There is more loving than hating. There is more power in giving than receiving. There is more power in caring, listening, laughter, family, friends, learning, teaching, and all the little tiny moments on this journey than we will ever comprehend.
Remember these things when “life sucks” or when “why me” enters your thoughts. I’m not sure where I heard this but someone said that the brick walls are there in order to see how badly you want something…so don’t give up!! Love that!
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How funny Matthew! Not your blog of course but the fact that you felt inspired to write this message just after I had a very rare ‘This Day Sucks’ yesterday. My last thought before going to sleep last night was,’Okay you had your downer day, no more!’ And woke up in my normal frame of mind which is first to be thankful I woke up at all (just sayin)and then how can I try and make a difference.
I so agree with your third paragraph and my mind’s eye kept adding the word positive. More positive power in holding a hand…More positive power in smiling…etc. When you think about it, there’s a lot of power in the opposites too. I’ve seen people use negative power to tear people down; to incite hatred; and to see the world as a ‘What Can You Do For ME place’, with everyone around them suffering for the person’s lack of their insensitivity and empathy.
But not you Mr. Inward Thinker! This is a very good snapshot of where your mindset is at Matthew. What a pleasant picture!
Sorry you had a bummer day Cheri, no matter how hard we try though we will have those because we are human. I appreciate the adding of the word “positive” power, you are right, negative is powerful too…just doesn’t yield positivity. I always appreciate your comments, they make me think a little bit further!!
Cheers to you and thank you very much!!
I know this, I practice this every day, and yet I still falter. Thank you for writing this, ’cause you can never hear it too many times. There have been some really big brick walls in my life lately, but there isn’t a day that goes by that I not grateful for all the really good stuff…including the wonderful people in my life…like you…supporting my heart and my soul. So I guess I am grateful for the brick walls too. Cheers!
That’s awesome Xochitl!! Part of this journey is having your community, your tribe, around you supporting you; and in return you supporting your community, your tribe. Pretty awesome stuff when you remember it and are able to enact it! Cheers!!