My wife and I recently had a great conversation about negativity; specifically we discussed thinking negatively versus verbalizing that negativity. I will preface this with the fact that I do think venting (letting good and bad thoughts out) is a must do, otherwise you tend to get all bottled up with different emotions which, in my opinion, can be unhealthy.
We all have negative thoughts, even the happiest amongst us have them and it’s completely normal. We are inundated with messages all day that lead us to have thoughts without us even having to engage with it. Anything from a smell, to overhearing what someone says, to watching something someone does, to what somebody wears, and so on can all lead to the automatic creation of a thought.
Here’s the idea, when we take something like a negative thought, and turn it in to more of an actual thing by attaching words to it and verbally putting that message out in the world…does it give that negativity wings? I say yes, it spreads that message and gives it a breeding ground. So there has to be a point where you say enough is enough and don’t allow yourself to encourage, promote, or perpetuate the spread of negativity.
As much as we can each be sucked in to it, karma’s a bitch…it will come back on you, one way or another! On top of that, it just doesn’t feel good to be so damn negative all the time! So our goal is to stop it at the thought and not continue it to words. Easier said than done, but I think it’s something worth trying to stop, for our own sake.
This all goes back to previous posts and conversations about being a person that builds people up instead of tear them down. Any of my time spent with negative thoughts or words about others is simply a waste of MY life. Time is better spent creating, building, and enjoying! Try it, you might just smile more.
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Amen! Verbalizing a thought gives it life, and immediately exposes those who hear you to that thought. Now, they have a choice whether or not they’re going to add fuel to that living thought and make it bigger or hold on to it and let it stop right there. It’s a pretty incredible phenomenon and seems much better suited to positive thoughts than negative thoughts!
I know you and I had this conversation, but well put, like the way you worded that. Glad I’m married to such a smart person!!
Haha! I probably stole the wording from you when we were actually having the convo!
lol, that’s ok too!!
Again O Enlightened One, you have chosen a very timely Cheri topic. Can I add another thing to thoughts? These past few days have been mind challenging to me to say the least. Last night a thought popped into my head after being put on hold by a computerized phone attendant at least three times for five minutes each. By the time a real LIVE person came to the phone I completely lost it and went into a tirade about the computerized attendant instead of telling the live one what my actual problem was. His response just fueled my tirade which is never good thing. I asked him to please stop talking and give me a second to take a breath. I slowly inhaled and exhaled, apologized and sad that I wasn’t mad at him. I told my story. He listened, asked if he could put me on hold (for another five minutes) and when he came back and said, “Sorry we can’t help you even if we caused the problem. You’ll have to call xyz” and hung up. I waited a few minutes and tried xyz who’s LIVE attendant was more than happy to help even though I nor their company had caused the problem(a cut phone line). I was still angry about the situation at midnight (4 hours later! And what for? The thing is, I don’t usually stay angry. So why now? It was an imperfect ending to an unperfect day I suppose, that and being tired, worried and other useless things one can do with their mind and enough time. Thank goodness each morning is another day. A clean slate. Start all over again. Whew! (But I still have the cut phone line) #justsayin
All of us have those days, where it seems easier to be angry and frustrated versus calm and thought out; not sure why that is, but it is. Your story would, without question, frustrate me too!! Badly!! I have literally had to learn to mentally smack myself when I get into those moods where I am letting someone else control how I feel, that person certainly doesn’t care and I’m left holding the bag.
We’re human, we tend to focus on the drama, but I think we can overcome that and by doing so, live a fuller life. But oh the battles on that path will not be easy!! lol. Thanks Cheri for relating your story, hope the issue gets resolved soon!!