I am making an addition to this post ( http://bit.ly/f6Q9BY ), and I’m sure there will be more. For those that lack the ability to respond to people via voicemail, email, text, social media, letter, etc.; in a reasonable amount of time (for any reason whatsoever)…this goes out to you.
You have two quick fixes to “not responding”:
1) Say what’s on your mind, be honest and get that interaction out of the way. If it’s someone you don’t like then tell them. If you don’t want to help them move, tell them. This is your life and being honest and answering them is better than not responding. Everyone deserves acknowledgment via a response, period.
2) If you find it impossible to do number one above, then no matter what, you need to respond via text message, an email, or a message on a social media site…that way you’re not stuck in the verbal communication but you’re still letting them know you’re busy right now or thinking about it (when in actuality you’re just scared to be honest).
There ya go, quick and to the point. But no matter what, please just respond, and I promise to keep getting better at it too!!
Related articles
- Will You JUST Respond!! (matthewliberty.com)
Love you brother!!!
LOL…you’re funny sis, love you too!!