As the days and weeks go by, I still marvel at those people that have doubt about social media and those that are so engrossed in the ROI of it that they miss the point which means they’re missing the boat. I’ve also read several articles lately referring to a “social crash”, which I completely disagree with. Many people write those types of articles to stir up controversy, as they say…all PR is good PR.
The truth is, this “social revolution” (over used term) is not going anywhere, but as anything else in life there is evolution. Go back to when home computers were first popping up, some said that people would never use such a thing…um, right. In less than 20 years the internet now dominates and we all wish we had something to sell that was as life changing as the internet.
This “social” movement we are in the midst of is not going to disappear, but it will change colors and shapes as any and all products do. The point of this particular post is to point out actual facts though, in regards to myself and the power of social media.
First off, my painting business and my window cleaning business have made money from the use of Facebook. Secondly, I have been able to start an additional business and already have approximately six potential customers. Thirdly, I have met people on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn from around the world…Africa, New Zealand, Spain, Canada, and so on. And yes, I would consider a handful of these people true friends.
Fourth, I have met numerous people on the above sites that I have than met in person and continued the relations (as well as numerous people that I’ve chatted with on the phone in awesome brainstorming sessions). Fifth, I’ve met people in my own area that I probably would have met no other way because we did not travel in the same groups of people. And finally, I would say that social media (once you know how to filter, etc.) has confirmed for me that this world is full of brilliant people that want to make a difference.
So there’s your ROI…maybe that should stand for Relationships of Importance. Will there be a social media crash? I struggle to think so, although it will change, just as it is now, each and every day! To all those types that would rather sit there and focus on the negative that goes on in social media…that’s your job, and it’s our job to fight back and point out all the positive that is coming from it.
But isn’t it funny that so many of those arguing against social media are using social media to tell us how crappy it is…go figure!
We are in “the post-information age,” indeed. But this is a non-definition. We are looking for a title for our cultural and global mythology. We are more than a POST-time, I hope.
I like your phrase: “relationships of importance.” This will remain and all else will be vestigal. Those with false relationships will be unmasked. From what I know of Matt Liberty, he has nothing to worry about!
I love to hear the real story of how some social media has helped your business. Thats simple, heartening…ROR (Return on Relationships). Something that echoes a time of bartering and tribes.
Something I like.
Well assessed, friend =)
Hey Mark, I appreciate you coming back and giving me some feedback. Evidently when I copy and pasted I left the first paragraph out, so I updated it.
I feel like we are looking for definition, some people feel they have it, others don’t. That phrase, “relationships of importance” just serves as a good reminder to me of what I need to be focused on…humans. I appreciate that you feel I have nothing to worry about, I try endlessly to be there for people when they need help and cheer for them when they don’t…it’s something I am passionate about.
Regarding my businesses, the two I mentioned, through people I have met via Facebook that live in my community…we build the relationship online, we have met for beers in person or whatever…than they’ll ask for estimates and we get the job…making money from building an online relationship and carrying it into “in person” relationships.
In addition, from just being me on Facebook, I can stay top of mind to those I may not see often in my community and they can follow what I’m doing and I can do the same.
This social thing has opened my world up to further possibility, I strive to be authentic and honest with it instead of using it as a tool for manipulation.
Cheers Mark, and thanks!