We live in a time where capturing attention is very difficult (on tv, radio, online, etc.), so many resort to “shock value” tactics…using nudity/ sex, violence, cussing in article headlines to draw attention, or being the person screaming the loudest and acting the oddest.
So millions of people use scare tactics and shock value to lure the audience in and it has been proven to work, but is it sustainable? We are all trying to “game” something, some are trying to game the stock market, others are trying to game real estate, and some are trying to game the online world. What are you trying to game?
And by the way, I have no issue with nudity (in fact I’m nude right now….see, shock value), or violence (and yes I am currently shooting up my neighborhood with a big scary gun…more shock), and tend to enjoy cussing…but are these tactics to engage people? If there is nothing to back up the barrage of “shock”, what are you left with? Does content really matter? And with 500 gazillion blogs on the world wide web all vying for eyeballs…what wins? Shock? Content? Or something else?
So very true Matthew. I get tired of the flashing banner adds on websites, the headlines meant to draw you in, only to leave you hanging with no real substance.
What wins is a good question. It is certainly not shock, not in the long term like you mentioned. I think people out there like you are slowly uncovering what will work. Being real, sharing who you are in a digital way (minus the nude pictures 🙂
I think this next wave of marketing will focus on relationships, or as Seth Godin calls it permission marketing. We may not know each customer by name, but through digital connections it is getting easier and cheaper to connect with more people on a fundamental level.
Amen Chris! I think you are right, and Seth, as always, is a genius. Part of my thought leans toward “niche-ing” down enough and focusing on a small population of people vs. fighting for the attention deficit crowd that wants to watch a monkey on a unicycle while flinging its feces…
A smaller, more idea driven, content driven, community of people with true/ actual goals in mind is what I think we are going to, but time will tell.
Thanks Chris!!
So you’re nude right now shooting up your neighbor with a big scary gun and can multitask by posting to your blog. You really are evolving Matthew!lol Anyhoo, it’s just human nature to click onto sensational titles put out by sources that are either not normally sensational type folks or are folks who may walk a fine line and you “tune in” to see if THIS is the post where the sensational move occurs.
Everyone cusses from time to time I imagine, but some of the stuff one can see on Twitter (and probably other sites) is beyond that…it can get pretty graphic. If you wouldn’t speak or be spoken to in that manner IRL, it’s probably something that isn’t going to peak your interest to read, especially in a blog.
Violence? Again, if you don’t partake IRL, your interest in reading about it would probably be limited to be informed.
So how do you get noticed and be a normal person? Pick your niches and let them get to know you. Be friendly, be conversational, be helpful and have something interesting to say. Content does matter, I don’t care what anyone says! Why would I get behind and recommend someone reading something that is garbage? Why would I spend the minutes in my already minute short day reading garbage? That’s actually pretty insulting to your “friends” and potential readers isn’t it?
I always love your comments Cheri…lol, I almost spilled hot McDonald’s coffee on myself too, LAWSUIT!! (just kidding). I do agree that content is still king at the end of the day, and being able to deliver it in a unique way always helps, but staying true to yourself in that delivery is crucial…because IMO sustainability comes from authenticity, relationships, and value (along with some other things).
I do get rather tired of seeing all the “sensational” stories and titles and words used across the web (and other media)…not always bothered by it but have my “I’ve had enough for now” moods. Time will tell where this particular issue goes in the social media realm.
Thanks Cheri, again, making me think!!