- Don’t follow lists like this because 99% are stupid (except this one)
- Work your ass off
- Be you, always, do not deviate from that
- Build real relationships
- Be helpful, solve problems for people
There are no short cuts in life people, nothing worth having comes easy. The above list is not going to work for you unless you DO IT, consistently and persistently! Success and happiness are two things, hard work and choice! You can’t escape having to put the work in and you have to make the choice to be positive in the face of negativity…choose happiness, practice it!
The above list was also mocking ALL the other millions of lists that come out that we so readily gobble up with our eyes. How many times has your life been made better after reading a list? Exactly, because in the end it comes down to YOU, the individual CHOOSING to actually do something toward living a life of happiness and success.
Moral of the story, YOU need to make the choice that you and your life are important enough to get up and fight for! If I can do it, anyone can!!
The Ultimate List to Prep For Finding Happiness & Success
1.) BE THANKFUL each morning you wake up as the alternative can be life changing for you and those around you.
2.) GET at least 6 to 8 hours of SLEEP at night. There are a million reasons why this is a given but I don’t have time to look them all up.
3.) NOURISHMENT helps too. Five food groups and rda of vitamins and minerals. Dark chocolate when you feeling a little down.
4.) Surrounding yourself with PEOPLE YOU GENUINELY LIKE and/or are compatible with is much better than the alternative. Just ask the 50% of married America standing in line for divorce court.
5.) EXERCISE. Walk, run, dance, have sex…just get that ticker moving! Blood coursing through all parts of your body is a good thing now and throughout the balance of your life.
Okay Matt…this is the last 5 step list you will see from me.
Love your list Cheri!! And I do agree with them, I like that several of them are “health” related.
It is somewhat funny to see all the “follow these steps” lists and how much attention they get by people looking for the simple way to something. I’m not sure life is about lists but I understand it is the world we are in now, and often times how our brains work.
Cheers Cheri and thank you!!