I have been told several times lately that I over simplify things…WTF? Is that a bad thing? One thing I love about this is that they are saying I over simplify, not that I am wrong. The second thing is that it could potentially mean that the people telling me I am over simplifying quite possibly are over complicating the issue.
Either way, don’t you think we need more simplification?
I always laugh when I see people going round and round trying to find a black and white answer on things that will never be black and white. In my humble opinion, by doing this you are over complicating the issue and not allowing for breathing room.
It’s also amusing when people stand there and are so adamant about this point or that point, when in the end, it is just an opinion. “This is how you do social media”, “this is how you have to load the truck”, or “this is how you will sell more than anyone else on the planet”…really? They are all opinions for the most part and the proof is that there is no one right way to do any of the above things I listed.
Let’s take it down a notch folks…let’s simplify some of these things you’re over complicating and while we are at it…let us remember that there is more than one way to skin a cat!!
I agree Matthew, one of my philosophies is KISS – Keep It Simple Stupid. I´ve often been told I over complicate matters, and often find myself thinking in the middle of conversation what NOT to say.
Although there can be Optimal ways of doing things, there isn´t necessarily always a right or a wrong way.
Damn, I like that Mike…KISS…have to remember that one! Great points, and I guess I always think it’s funny as hell when someone says I am making something TOO simple…like that’s a bad thing. Oh well, what can you do, lol?
Thanks for the comment man, much appreciated!!
I’ve been in awe of your simplicity in life, and to be honest, it is mixed with a little disdain. Disdain, perhaps, because I’m completely incapable of keeping things simple. I tend to overanalyze and over-think things, emotionally and intellectually. When I’ve tweeted a problem or an issue, you always tell me to look at the bright side of things, or lighten up, or whatever you say to “keep it simple.” I bristle, yet I love you for it. I’m a control freak, Type A person, so keep it simple is harder for me than rocket science. Keep pushing me, and I’ll keep bristling, with love, of course.
LOL…love that Sandra!! Don’t get me wrong, I definitely have things I over analyze/ over complicate…and quite frankly, it’s only been in the last year that I have been really altering my look at things. I use to spend so much time frustrated, agitated…well, bottom line, I just wasn’t smiling and laughing enough. What I realized was that I was taking everything so seriously and complicating things which then made my life more chaotic.
I think it’s a matter of picking your battles, you can’t have everything be a BIG deal. In the social media world and in my businesses there have been numerous times where I would have normally wanted to punch someone in the face…but this journey of mine has really taught me to take things easier…simplify. The deep breath thing and than move forward!! Cheers Sandra…you rock!!