I’ve talked a lot about change lately…of all types. I have wanted to make some changes in my life in the hopes of pushing my comfort levels in different areas of life. Well, I’ve definitely made some massive changes over the past six months which have tested my own personal “comfort” with varying outcomes.
Some changes have caused awesome things to happen while other changes have created some severe discomfort that I’m not coping with as well. But after thinking about it I think this may be just what I needed. Most of us become so spoiled in our day to day lives and we don’t even realize it, we don’t realize how amazingly fortunate we are…it’s the “I always want more, bigger, and better” syndrome.
It’s my belief that doing the same thing over and over again, day after day, is NOT what life is about. I have noticed in my life that “routine” has never led to anything enjoyable or rewarding…routine is equivalent to a rut.
If you’re never exploring the unknown, the uncomfortable, or the boundaries…what is pushing you? Think back to all the times you’ve learned the most, or grown, or had some amazing thing happen…it’s typically due to hardship or disruption to your routine.
So, I know change can be scary, and not always lead to the “desired” outcome…but even when that happens you are growing; and guess what? Life is a constantly evolving, living entity in which we inhabit, and more importantly, you must remember that humans are extremely adaptable to change.
I may decide to write more specifically about what changes I have undergone…or I may not. The point however, is that I am making changes because I don’t want to live a sedentary life so the specifics don’t necessarily matter. What I do know for sure is that I yearn for a life where I am constantly growing from actively doing things versus sitting on my ass reading which is what most people I know do to “grow”.
I hate to break it to you though, true growth comes from YOU “doing”, not reading what other people’s opinions are.
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- Don’t Just Change, Change Drastically (matthewliberty.com)
So cool Mr. Renaissance! I’ll add having a great support system in place makes it all better and much more worthwhile.
So as you take leave to your staid old life
Take not the low road that is paved with strife
Where sinkholes and rock slides can impede the way
But instead take the high road and keep them at bay
Hey Cheri, indeed a support system is quite important!! Love the four lines, what is that from??