I’ve read numerous blog posts about how blogging is dead…ironic, blogs saying blogs are dead. Anyways, the reason blogging is not dead is because writing is not dead…and never will be. Blogging is what most writers nowadays use as an avenue to express thoughts, be it macro or micro blogging.
The art of writing with pen and paper or with a keyboard is not going anywhere…as humans we instinctively have the need to create (whether you think you’re creative or not, you are), and for so many of us that comes out in writing/ blogging.
So to say the writing tool known as blogging is dead is ridiculous. True, there are millions of blogs and who is really reading them? But damn, there are millions of books and who is reading them? Some blogs are great, but so many more suck…same with books, but blogs are still the current wave of news/ idea gathering for people and I don’t see this trend ending at all. What a blog looks like might evolve…but dead? Please.
Back in the 1990’s blogs were called journaling, now blogging…that’s an evolution, but it is STILL blogging either way, just different words. Is journaling dead? No…it’s called blogging now.
So for all you bloggers that are trying to cause drama by using a headline like “Blogging is dead”…be a bit more creative!!
Cheers…and Happy Blogging!
As of 16 February 2011, there were over 156 million public blogs in existence. A simple statistic that make you right and all of those bloggers [ironically included in the count] dead wrong.
Amazing how many blogs “exist”, although another interesting number would be how many of those are actually active verssus seldom used or abandoned!! Thanks Cheri!!