There are so many layers and levels to life yet most of us can’t get past the first or second layer. And what’s in those first couple of layers? Well, it’s my belief that the first couple layers are those that are filled with selfish materialism.
Think about it, most of us when we were kids and young adults were very “me” focused…I want this toy, that bicycle, or this walkman (lol, remember the walkman?) and if you didn’t receive it you more often than not threw some type of tantrum. Sounds a lot like the world we live in today, from politics to Wall St. to all the nonsensical shit talking that takes place in your own city streets.
Do you know that “life”, the thing we all ponder about from time to time, the thing that religion and philosophy try to find answers to…exists whole-heartedly in the layers beneath the ones mentioned in the first couple of paragraphs. Life is that space in which you are secure enough in yourself that you don’t need to run your mouth about others. Life is that place where you are always pushing yourself and the limiting boundaries we place on ourselves. Life has absolutely nothing to do with the car you drive or the $150 jeans you own.
I believe that real work, real living, does not happen until you escape the shackles that the first couple of layers contain. When everything you do is bound by “keeping up with the Jones’”, it forbids you from, number one, being who YOU are…secondly, it forces you to chase other people’s far-fetched, superficial dreams which typically sends you into a financial and emotional abyss.
It is your duty to investigate, explore, and adventure life…find what makes you tick, find the things that are important to you. Do not live by the code of another, live by your dreams and the ideas you find to be important…by doing this you will get past those first layers and really start SEEING life for what it truly is.
Always love your thinking Matt! The last sentence ” Do not live by the code of another, live by your dreams and the ideas you find to be important…by doing this you will get past those first layers and really start SEEING life for what it truly is.” is what I will be thinking about.
Cheers to you!
Thanks Peggy…this, as with everything else, is part of the journey I’ve been on in order to find where I need to be mentally…life is this short, amazing thing that we are lucky to experience and it is unfortunate that so many of us get caught up into things that don’t matter.
Cheers, and thanks again!!