I think planning is overrated, and I love watching people that describe themselves as “planners”, because they are inevitably pissed off most of the time. From planning your trip, your future, your wedding, your speech, or your retirement…what’s the point?
Well, before you freak out, I think some degree of planning is necessary, it serves as a rough outline for what you will be doing…at least it should be looked at as a rough outline only. Things come up…ALWAYS!
That trip you’re planning gets bogged down with bad weather, plane delays, mechanical issues, a cold or flu, or one hundred other reasons. The retirement you’re counting on gets disrupted by the shitty economy, a bad business decision, health issues, or some other UNPLANNED event. You’re wedding gets thrown off course because of the weather, not enough money, a fight with your maid of honor, and so on. And that speech you rehearsed seventy-three times gets derailed because it is not connecting with your audience, people are walking out, or snoring.
Over-planners typically are unable to get back on the saddle once thrown off due to not accounting for those things that are unexpected. All the while, the middle of the road guy, that gives himself/ herself a rough outline of what the speech should do can adjust on the fly to his/ her audience. The person that over-practices and relies too much on that one set of words…can’t adjust so quickly.
I’m a big fan of potential back up ideas as well as practicing the art of not planning. I do much better telling you on the fly what my business does than I do writing up a formal business paper…not to mention the formal business paper is super crazy boring!
I am not planning to have a kid or not have a kid, I am not planning that trip to Italy, or my next step. My life, my environment, and my personality change every day, be it a little bit or a lot. Let me ask you this, how much of what you plan has gone according to plan? Probably some, but I’d venture to say less than 20% if we’re being honest. In addition, are you living where you thought you would be living, are working where you thought you’d be working, have you been divorced (bet you planned that right?), do you have kids, do you not have kids, how many kids…blah blah blah.
My simple point is, I hate planning…so I do as little as possible. I don’t plan my blog posts, where I’m going to live, what I’m going to eat, when I’m going to go on a trip, or anything else if I can help it. And when I am called upon to plan, I do so in such a way that allows me to “shoot from the hip” as needed.
Bravo Matt!
As one who has used a planner for years – more to keep track of things than to actually plan, I totally get this. I tried the “to-do” list planning thing, but found the constant changes that happened just made the list obsolete…sometimes within minutes of finishing it!
I use my calendar for concrete appointments or when I have a deadline I don’t want to miss, other than that, no more lists. However, I’m not quite to the “shoot from the hip” point!
I love your passion!
You rock Sherree!! I too keep track of the BIG stuff but have avoided planning as much as possible, because as we know, things never seem to go according to plan! Life is too short anyways, trying to stick to this “plan” just takes the fun out of life!! Cheers!!
I have always been a planner. I grew up in a family of planners. Now I am less of a planner. I am wiser.
Love your insights and passion here, buddy – well done! (do you think I might have a children’s book in the making? LOL)
Hey Paul…good point, as we get older the wisdom kicks in (hopefully) so we know where to spend our time and where not to. I’m not sure where and when I became a non-planner but I definitely like it quite a bit!! lol
Ya, we could collaborate on a kids book, lol!! Thanks Paul!
Matt, great post my friend.
Every time I try to become a planner, I inevitably forget, get frustrated or find that expectations are rarely met.
When I read ReWork by the guys at 37 Signals, one of the “blips” was, “Planning is Guessing”. It’s so true, right? I mean, if I plan far out into the future, I’m really just guessing and odds are I’m working really hard to make something that “might” happen work.
Not to mention people confuse “vision” with “plan”. Michelangelo had Vision. He saw something and chipped away at what he thought it could be. He most likely didn’t sit down, draw out the David, get a bunch of folks approval and then work on it. He took it little pieces at a time.
Chase, “Planning is Guessing”…I’d have to agree completely with that. I think people plan due to the “fear of the unknown”, people get scared or worried, so planning gives them that “security blanket” to move forward, albeit a “security blanket” that provides a false sense of security.
Even right now, I don’t know if I’m going to go to the jobsite my painting company is on today, or stay home and work from my home office on some social media stuff and proposals…lol, that would make many people panic, while I’m living in the moment.
Cheers man, appreciate the thoughts!
You must be living a fairly unstressed life. Good for you!
Cheri…I wouldn’t say stress free or anything…but it is all about perspective. If something stresses me out it is because I allow it to…I attempt to enjoy and appreciate the good things and learn from the not so good things…it’s a win win.