It amazes me that so many people are looking for a “magic formula” shortcut that they think will help them lose more weight, sell more widgets, get more followers, or attain more blog readers in a quicker period of time.
What happened to persistence, hard work, consistency, and dedication? It seems dead, or damn near. All these weight loss gurus and social media ninjas are similar to the dude in the trench coat which is lined with fake Rolex watches…STOP falling for this crap. Nothing in life, including success at anything mentioned above, has a shortcut button.
I have issue with those looking for the shortcut because I want them to succeed on their own and see how amazing that feels when they do, and I have issue with the ninja gurus because they are taking advantage of people that may not have the confidence in their own capabilities. I’m all for capitalism but money should not be made from short changing or misleading anyone.
The solution…become your own guru, just for you. Rely on you for the answers by reading, learning, observing, listening, and putting in the actual hours and days and weeks and months of work that your particular success requires. Enjoy the journey because there is never a final destination other than death…so don’t be in such a hurry and by doing so we can deflate the egos of all these self proclaimed super heroes.
Happy Friday, Cheers!!
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Unless of course you are hiring someone for their expertise to complete a task or function for you. I would expect you to be a guru in businesses of yours that you have a great first hand knowledge in… However I understand what you are saying. It’s one thing for me to think YOU are a guru and another for YOU to market yourself to me as one, yes? Or it’s just one of the current cool kidz things to say like Rockstar? Oh heck, now I’m just babbling…
Love how you cut to the chase & boil that baby down!
lol…hey Cheri!! I don’t think anyone should go around patting themselves on the back or calling themselves things like super hero or guru…just seems a bit (actually a lot) on the arrogant side. Just do your job and be good at it…I take that back, do your job and be great at it!! Cheers!!
Peggy…just the kinds of ninja guy I am, a cut-to-the-chaser!! lol